Sacrificial calendar of the deme of Erchia in Attica

Date :

ca. 375-350 BC

Justification: lettering and style (Daux).


Erchia . Found in modern Spata, in Attica. Now in the Epigraphical Museum in Athens (inv. no. 13163).


A small moulded stele, broken below, and somewhat worn on the left and right sides.

  • Height: 70 cm
  • Width: 44-45 cm
  • Depth: from top to bottom, 9.5-11 cm


The five columns are carefully separated by incised lines. Quasi-stoichedon, of 11-12 letters in length. Paragraphoi are usually indicated in the left margin before each specific date, or to highlight that a sacrifice occurs on the same date but presumably separately. These are not replicated here, though we have tried to reflect this segmentation in the translations. Month names are incised right next to the left margin, starting in the first stoichos. The remainder of the column concerning a given month starts after a vacat of one space, i.e. the following lines start in the second stoichos.

Letters: 5 mm high; the letters in the header and for column numbering are larger, ca. 1-1.3 cm high, and similarly the inscribed totals at the bottom of each column.


Edition here based on the first full edition of Daux 1963, with fig. 1 and pl. 13-14, with the corrections in Daux 1964: 676-677. The readings are for the most part uncontroversial. Cf. Takeuchi 2010-2013 for a new reading of line A20, adopted here (previously Πυλῶνι). Since column A is virtually complete, we have restored the total amount of drachmae in column A as its final, missing line.

Cf. also: SEG 21, 541; Sokolowski LSCG 18; Le Guen-Pollet CDE 61; AIO , with another English translation and commentary.

Further bibliography: Salviat 1964; Dow 1965; Jameson 1965; Mikalson 1975; Langdon 1976; Georgoudi 1994; Ekroth 2002; Humphreys 2004: 178; Pirenne-Delforge 2004; Papazarkadas 2004-2009: no. 4; Bremmer 2005a; Parker 2005a; Pirenne-Delforge 2011; Pirenne-Delforge - Pironti 2016.


Column Α
v νος
v ι
, Ἀπόλλωνι v Λ-
v υκείωι
, ἐν ἄστ-
5v ει
, οἶς, οὐ φο(ρά), Δ𐅂𐅂
v δεκάτει προτ-
v έραι
, Ἥραι Θελ-
v χινίαι
, ἐμ Πάγ-
v ωι
Ἐρχι(ᾶσιν), ἄρνα π-
10v αμμέλαιναν
, ο-
φορά, 𐅃𐅂𐅂 vvv
v τετράδι φθίν-
v οντος
, Νύμφαι-
15v ς
, ἐμ Πάγωι Ἐρχ-
v ιᾶ(σιν)
, οἶς, Δ vvvvv
Πυανοψιῶνος τ-
v ετράδι
ἐπὶ δέ-
v κα
, Ἡρωΐναις, ἐ-
20v ν
Αὐλῶνι Ἐρχι(ᾶσιν),
v οἶς, οὐ φορά, ἱε-
v ρείαι
τὸ δέρ(μα), Δ
Γαμηλιῶνος ἑβ-
v δόμηι
25v νο
, Κουροτρόφ-
v ωι
, ἐν Δελφινί-
v ωι
Ἐρχ(ιᾶσιν)χοῖρ(ος), 𐅂𐅂𐅂.
v Ἀπόλλωνι Δελ-
v φινίωι
, Ἐρχιᾶ(σιν),
30v οἶς, Δ𐅂𐅂 vvvv
v ὀγδόηι ἱσταμ-
v ένου
, Ἀπόλλων-
v ι
v ι
, Ἐρχιᾶσι, πρὸ-
35v [ς ]
Παιανιέων, v
v αἴξ, Δ𐅂𐅂 vvvv
v ς
, Διασίοις, ἐν
v ἄστε⟨ι⟩ ἐν Ἄγρας
40v Διὶ Μιλιχίωι,
v οἶς, νηφάλιος
v μέχρι σπλάγχ-
v [ν]ων
, Δ𐅂𐅂. vvvv
45v ς
ἕκτηι ἐπὶ δέ-
v κα
, Σεμέληι, ἐπ-
τοῦ αὐτοῦ βω-
v μοῦ
, αἴξ, γυναι-
v ξὶ
50v ος
, ἱερέας τὸ δ-
v έρμα
, οὐ φορά, Δ
[Θ]αργηλιῶνος τ-
v ετράδι
v ένο
, Λητοῖ, ἐμ Π-
55v [υ]θίο
v [α]ἴξ ∶ Δ vvvvv
v ς
τρίτη⟨ι⟩ ἱσταμ-
v ένου
60v όφωι
, ἐμ πόλει
v Ἐρχ(ιᾶσιν)χοῖρος, 𐅂𐅂𐅂
v Ἀθηνάαι Πολι-
v άδι
, ἐμ πόλει Ἐ-
v ρχιᾶσι
, οἶς, ἀν-
65v [τ]ίβους
, Δ vvvv
v [κε]φάλαιον vv
Column Β
v νος
v ει
, ἐν Ἐλευσι(νίωι)
v ἐν ἄστει, Δήμ-
5v ητρι
, οἶς, Δ vvv
v ἕκτηι ἐπὶ δέ-
v κα
, Κοροτρόφ-
v ωι
, ἐν [Ἑ]κάτης
v Ἐρχιᾶσι, χοῖ-
10v ρος
, 𐅂𐅂𐅂 vvvv
v Ἀρτέμιδι Ἑκ-
v άτει
, Ἐρχιᾶ[σ]-
v ι
, αἴ]ξ, Δ vvvv
15v ς
τετράδι ἱσ-
v ταμένο
, Βασί-
v λει
, Ἐρχιᾶ(σιν), ἀμ-
v νὴ
λευκή, ὁλό-
v καυτος
, νηφά-
20v λιος
, 𐅃𐅂𐅂 vvv
v τετράδι φθί-
v νοντος
, ἐμ Πά-
v [γ]ωι
v ν
, Ἀχελώωι vv
25v οἶς, Δ𐅂𐅂 vvvv
v ἐνάτηι ἱστα-
v μένο
, Ἠροσου-
v ρίοις
, ἐμ πόλ-
30v ει
Ἐρχιᾶσι⟨ν⟩, Ἀ-
v θηνᾶι
, ἀμνή, 𐅃𐅂𐅂
v τετράδι φθί-
v νοντος
, Κουρ-
v οτρόφωι
, ἐν Ἥ-
35v ρας
v χοῖρος, 𐅂𐅂𐅂 v
v Ἥραι, Ἐρχιᾶσ-
v ι⟨ν⟩
, οἶς, ἱερέαι
v δέρμα, Δ vvvv
v ς
τετράδι ἱσ-
v ταμένου
, Ἡρα-
v κλείδαις
, οἶ-
v ς
, Ἐρχιᾶ(σι), Δ𐅂𐅂 v οὐ φ(ορά)
v τετράδι ἱστ-
v αμένο
, Ἀπόλλ-
v ωνι
Πυθίωι, Ἐ-
v ρχι(ᾶσι)
αἴξ, παρα-
50v δόσιμος
v αϊσταῖς
, Δ𐅂𐅂
v Ἀπόλλωνι Πα-
v ιῶνι
, ἐμ Πάγω-
v ι
Ἐρχι(ᾶσιν), οἶς, Δ𐅂𐅂
v ος
τρίτηι ἱσ-
v ταμένο
, Ἀγλα-
v ύρωι
ἐμ πόλε⟨ι⟩
v Ἐρχι(ᾶσιν)οἶς, Δ v οὐ φ(ορά)
60v κεφάλαιον v
v Η𐅃𐅂𐅂𐅂 vv
Column Γ
v ος
δεκάτει ὑ-
v στέραι
, Κουρ-
v οτρόφωι
, ἐς Σ-
5v ωτιδῶν
v χοῖρος, οὐ φο-
v ρά
, 𐅂𐅂𐅂 vvvvv
v Ἀρτέμιδι ἐς
v Σωτιδῶν Ἐρχ-
10v ι(ᾶσιν)
αἴξ, οὐ φορά,
v τὸ δέρμα κατ-
v αγίζ(εσθαι)
∶ Δ vvvvv
v νος
15v ει
, Διὶ Πολιε⟨ῖ⟩,
v ἐμ πόλε⟨ι⟩ ἐν ἄσ-
v τε⟨ι⟩
, οἶς, οὐ φορ-
, Δ𐅂𐅂 vacat
v ἕκτηι φθίνο-
20v ντος
, Διὶ Ἐπω-
v πετεῖ
, ἐμ Πάγ-
v ωι
Ἐρχιᾶσι, χ-
v οῖρος
, ὁλόκα-
v υτος
, νηφάλι-
25v ος
, 𐅂𐅂𐅂 vvvvv
v ς
τετράδι φθ-
v ίνοντος
, Ἀλό-
v χωι
, ἐμ Πάγωι
30v Ἐρχι(ᾶσιν)οἶς ∶ Δ vv
[Γ]αμηλιῶνος ὀ-
v γδόηι
v έ(νο)
, Ἀπόλλωνι Ἀ-
v ποτροπαίωι
35v Ἐρχιᾶσι⟨ν⟩, αἴξ,
v Πυ[θα]ϊσταῖς
v παραδόσ(ιμος), Δ𐅂𐅂
v τετράδι φθί-
v νοντος
, Διὶ Τ-
40v ελείωι
, ἐν Ἥρ-
v ας
Ἐρχ(ιᾶσιν)οἶς, Δ𐅂𐅂
v ος
v ἱσταμένο, Δι-
45v ονύσωι
, Ἐρχι(ᾶσιν),
v ἔριφος προπ-
v τόρθι(ος)
∶ 𐅃 vvvv
[Μ]ονιχιῶνος δ-
v εκάτει
50v έραι
, Λευκάσ-
v πιδι
, Ἐρχιᾶ(σιν), ο-
v ἶς
, νηφάλιος,
v οὐ φορά, Δ𐅂𐅂
55v τετράδι ἱστ-
v αμένο
, Διί, ἐμ
v Πάγωι, Ἐρχιᾶ(σιν),
v οἶς, Δ𐅂𐅂 vvvv
60v ος
τρίτει ἱσ-
v ταμένο
, Διὶ Π-
v ολιε⟨ῖ⟩
, ἐμ πόλε⟨ι⟩
v Ἐρχιᾶσι⟨ν⟩, οἶς,
v οὐ φορά, Δ𐅂𐅂
65v ἕκτηι ἐπὶ δέ-
v κα
[......1 line......]
Column Δ
v ος
δεκάτει ὑ-
v στέραι
, Κορο-
v [τρ]όφωι
, ἐπὶ τ-
5v [ο̑] Ἄκρο Ἐρχιᾶ(σι),
v χοῖρος, οὐ φο-
v ρά
, 𐅂𐅂𐅂 vvvvv
v Ἀρτέμιδι, ἐπ-
το̑ Ἄκρο Ἐρχ-
10v ι(ᾶσιν)
, αἴξ, οὐ φορ-
, δέρμα κατα-
v ιγίζε(σθαι)
∶ Δ vvv
v Μεταγειτνιῶ-
v νος
15v ε⟨ι⟩
, Ἀθηνᾶι Πολ-
v ιάδι
, ἐμ πόλε⟨ι⟩
v ἐν ἄστε⟨ι⟩, οἶς ∶ Δ
v ς
πέμπτει ἱσ-
20v ταμέ(νο)
Ἔποπι, Ἐ-
v ρχιᾶσι
, χοῖρ-
v ος
, ὁλόκαυτο-
v ς
, νηφάλι(ος) ∶ 𐅂𐅂𐅂
v τετράδι φθί-
25v νοντος
, Ἑρμῆ-
v ι
, ἐμ Πάγωι Ἐρ-
v χιᾶ(σι)
οἶς ∶ Δ𐅂𐅂 v
Γαμηλιῶνος τ-
v ετράδι
30v οντος
, Ποσει-
v δῶνι
, ἐν Ἥρας
v Ἐρχιᾶ(σιν), οἶς, Δ𐅂𐅂
v ος
ἕκτηι ἐπὶ
35v δέκα, Διονύσ-
v ωι
, Ἐρχιᾶ(σιν), αἴξ,
v παραδό(σιμος)γυνα-
v {α}ιξί
, οὐ φορά,
v ἱερέαι τὸ δέ-
40v ρμα
, Δ𐅂𐅂 v
Μονιχιῶνος δ-
v εκάτει
v ραι
, Τριτοπα-
v τρεῦσι
, Ἐρχι(ᾶσιν),
45v οἶς, νηφάλιο-
v ς
, οὐ φορά ∶ Δ𐅂𐅂
v τετράδι ἱστ-
v αμένο
, Ἀνάκο-
50v ιν
, Ἐρχιᾶσιν,
v οἶς, Δ𐅂𐅂 vvvv
v ἐνάτει ἐπὶ δ-
v έκα
, Μενεδεί-
v ωι
, Ἐρχιᾶσιν,
55v οἶς, οὐ φορ(ά), Δ𐅂𐅂
v ος
τρίτηι ἱσ-
v ταμένο
, Ποσε-
v ιδῶνι
, ἐμ πόλ
60v ε⟨ι⟩
Ἐρχι(ᾶσιν)οἶς ∶ Δ𐅂𐅂
v κεφάλαιον
vv ΗΔ vvv
Column Ε
v ῶνος
v ἐπὶ δέκα, Ἡρ-
v ωΐναις
, ἐπὶ
5v Σχοίνωι Ἐρ-
v χιᾶσι⟨ν⟩
, οἶς, ο-
φορά, ἱερέ-
v αι
τὸ δέρ(μα) ∶ Δ v
10v ος
v ἱσταμένο, Ἐ-
v ρχι(ᾶσιν)
Ἔποπι, χ-
v οῖρος
, ὁλόκ-
v αυτος
, νηφά-
15v λιος
, 𐅂𐅂𐅂 v
v τετράδι φθ-
v ίνοντος
, Γῆ-
v ι
ἐμ Πάγωι, Ἐ-
v ρχιᾶσι⟨ν⟩
, οἶς
20v κύουσα, οὐ φ-
v ορά
, Δ vacat
v ἕκτηι ἐπὶ δ-
v έκα
, Διί, ἐμ Π-
25v έτρηι
v ᾶσιν
, οἶς, οὐ
v φορά, Δ𐅂𐅂 vv
v Διὶ Ὁρίωι, Ἐ-
v ρχιᾶσι
, χοῖ-
30v ρος
, οὐ φο(ρά) ∶ 𐅂𐅂𐅂
v ἑβδόμηι ἱσ-
v ταμένο
, Ἀπό-
v λλωνι
35v ίωι
, Ἐρχιᾶσ-
v ι⟨ν⟩
, οἶς Πυθαϊ-
v σταῖς
v δόσιμος
, Δ𐅂𐅂 `οὐ φο(ρά)´
v ὀγδόη⟨ι⟩ ἱστα-
40v μένο
, Ἀπόλλ-
v ωνι
v έτει
, Ἐρχιᾶ-
v σιν
, αἴξ, Δ𐅂𐅂
v Νύμφαις, ἐπ-
το̑ αὐτοῦ β-
v ωμοῦ
, αἴξ ∶ Δ v
v ς
τετράδι ἱ-
v σταμένο
, Ἐρ-
50v μῆι
, ἐν ἀγορ-
v ᾶι
v κριός, τούτ-
v ωι
v αι
τὸν κήρυ-
55v κα
καὶ τὰ γέ-
v ρα
v ν
v δήμαρχος, Δ
v ἕκτηι ἐπὶ δ-
60v έκα
, Διὶ Ἐπ[α]-
v κρίωι
, ἐν Ὑμ-
v ηττῶι
, ἀρ[ήν],
v νηφάλι[ος, ο]-
φορά, [𐅃𐅂𐅂]. [v]
v νος
[......1 line......]


Gods. The Greater Demarchy.

Column Α

In Metageitnion: on the 12th, to Apollo Lykeios, in the town, (5) a wether, no take-away, 12 drachmae; on the 20th: to Hera Thelchinia, on the Hill at Erchia, a female lamb, (10) all-black, no take-away, 7 dr.

In Boedromion: on the 27th, to the Nymphs, (15) on the Hill at Erchia, a ewe, 10 dr.

In Pyanopsion: on the 14th, to the Heroines, at the (20) Hollow (?) in Erchia, a ewe, no take-away, the skin for the priestess, 10 dr.

In Gamelion: on the 7th, (25) to Kourotrophos, in the Delphinion at Erchia, a piglet, 3 dr.; to Apollo Delphinios, at Erchia, (30) a wether, 12 dr.; on the 8th: to Apollo Apotropaios, at Erchia, on the frontier towards (35) the Paianians, a wether goat, 12 dr.

In Anthesterion, during the Diasia, in the town, in Agrai, (40) to Zeus Meilichios, a wether, wineless libation until the viscera, 12 dr.

In Elaphebolion: (45) on the 16th, to Semele, on the same altar, a she-goat handed over to the women, (50) the skin belongs to the priestess, no take-away, 10 dr.

In Thargelion: on the 4th, to Leto, in the sanctuary of (55) Pythios at Erchia, a she-goat, 10 dr.

In Skirophorion: on the 3rd, to Kourotrophos, (60) on the acropolis at Erchia, a piglet, 3 dr.; to Athena Polias, on the acropolis at Erchia, a ewe as substitute (65) for a cow, 10 dr.

Total: [111 dr.]

Column Β

In Metageitnion: on the 12th, in the City Eleusinion, to Demeter, (5) a ewe, 10 dr.; on the 16th: to Kourotrophos, in the (sanctuary) of Hekate at Erchia, a (10) piglet, 3 dr.; to Artemis Hekate, at Erchia, [a she-goat], 10 dr.

In Boedromion: (15) on the 4th, to Basile, at Erchia, a white female lamb, to be burned whole, wineless (20) offering, 7 dr.; on the 27th: to Acheloos, on the Hill at Erchia, (25) a wether, 12 dr.

In Gamelion: on the 9th, during the Herosouria, on the acropolis (30) at Erchia, to Athena, a female lamb, 7 dr.; on the 27th: to Kourotrophos, in the sanctuary of (35) Hera at Erchia, a piglet, 3 dr.; to Hera, at Erchia, a ewe, the skin goes to the priestess, 10 dr.

(40) In Mounychion: on the 4th, to the Herakleidai, a wether, at Erchia, 12 dr., no take-away.

(45) In Thargelion: on the 4th, to Apollo Pythios, at Erchia, a wether goat to be (50) handed over to the Pythaistai, 12 dr.; to Apollo Paion, on the Hill at Erchia, a wether, 12 dr.

(55) In Skirophorion: on the 3rd, to Aglauros, on the acropolis at Erchia, a ewe, 10 dr., no take-away.

Total: 108 dr.

Column Γ

In Hekatombaion: on the 21st, to Kourotrophos, in the (sanctuary of?) the (5) Sotidai at Erchia, a piglet, no take-away, 3 dr.; to Artemis, in the (sanctuary of?) the Sotidai at (10) Erchia, a she-goat, no take-away, the skin is burned, 10 dr.

In Metageitnion: on the 12th, (15) to Zeus Polieus, on the acropolis in the town, a wether, no take-away, 12 dr.; on the 25th, (20) to Zeus Epopetes, on the Hill at Erchia, a piglet, burned whole, wineless offering, (25) 3 dr.

In Boedromion: on the 27th, to Alochos, on the Hill (30) at Erchia, a ewe, 10 dr.

In Gamelion: on the 8th, to Apollo Apotropaios, (35) at Erchia, a wether goat handed over to the Pythaistai, 12 dr.; on the 27th: to Zeus Teleios, in the sanctuary of (40) Hera at Erchia, a wether, 12 dr.

In Anthesterion: on the 2nd, (45) to Dionysus, at Erchia, a kid budding (?), 5 dr.

In Mounychion: on the 20th, (50) to Leukaspis, at Erchia, a wether, wineless offering, no take-away, 12 dr.

In Thargelion: on the 4th, (55) to Zeus, on the Hill at Erchia, a wether, 12 dr.

In Skirophorion: (60) on the 3rd, to Zeus Polieus, on the acropolis at Erchia, a wether, no take-away, 12 dr.; (65) on the 16th: [...]

Column Δ

In Hekatombaion: on the 21st, to Kourotrophos, on the (5) Akros at Erchia, a piglet, no take-away, 3 dr.; to Artemis, on the Akros at (10) Erchia, a she-goat, no take-away, the skin is burned, 10 dr.

In Metageitnion: on the 12th, (15) to Athena Polias, on the acropolis in the town, a ewe, 10 dr.

In Boedromion: on the 5th, (20) to Epops, at Erchia, a piglet, burned whole, wineless offering, 3 dr.; on the 27th: (25) to Hermes, on the Hill at Erchia, a wether, 12 dr.

In Gamelion: on the 27th, (30) to Poseidon, in the sanctuary of Hera at Erchia, a wether, 12 dr.

In Elaphebolion: on the 16th, (35) to Dionysus, at Erchia, a wether goat handed over to the women, no take-away, the skin is given to the priestess, (40) 12 dr.

In Mounychion: on the 21st, to the Tritopatres, at Erchia, (45) a wether, wineless offering, no take-away, 12 dr.

In Thargelion: on the 4th, to the two Anakes, (50) at Erchia, a wether, 12 dr.; on the 19th, to Menedeios, at Erchia, (55) a wether, no take-away, 12 dr.

In Skirophorion: on the 3rd, to Poseidon, on the acropolis (60) at Erchia, a wether, 12 dr.

Total: 110 dr.

Column Ε

In Metageitnion: on the 19th, to the Heroines, at (5) Schoinos in Erchia, a ewe, no take-away, the skin is given to the priestess, 10 dr.

In Boedromion: (10) on the 5th, to Epops, at Erchia, a piglet, burned whole, wineless offering, (15) 3 dr.; on the 27th: to Ge, on the Hill at Erchia, (20) a pregnant ewe, no take-away, 10 dr.

In Posideon: on the 16th, to Zeus, on the Rock at Erchia, (25) a wether, no take-away, 12 dr.; to Zeus Horios, at Erchia, a piglet, (30) no take-away, 3 dr.

In Gamelion: on the 7th, to Apollo Lykeios, (35) at Erchia, a wether handed over to the Pythaistai, 12 dr., no take-away; on the 8th: (40) to Apollo Nymphagetes, at Erchia, a wether goat, 12 dr.; to the Nymphs, at (45) the same altar, a she-goat, 10 dr.

In Thargelion: on the 4th, to Hermes, in the agora (50) at Erchia, a ram, the herald performs this sacrifice (55) and receives perquisites like the demarch would, 10 dr.; on the 16th, (60) to Zeus Epakrios, on Mount Hymettos, a male lamb, wineless offering, no take-away, [7 dr.]

(65) In Skirophorion: [...]


Dieux. La grande démarchie.

Colonne Α

En Metageitnion : le 12, pour Apollon Lykeios, en ville, (5), un mouton mâle, ne pas emporter, 12 drachmes; le 20, pour Héra Thelchinia, sur la Colline à Erchia, une agnelle (10) toute noire, ne pas emporter, 7 dr.

En Boedromion : le 27, pour les Nymphes, (15) sur la Colline à Erchia, une brebis, 10 dr.

En Pyanopsion : le 14, pour les Héroïnes, au (20) Vallon (?) à Erchia, une brebis, ne pas emporter, la peau pour la prêtresse, 10 dr.

En Gamelion : le 7, (25) pour Kourotrophos, dans le Delphinion à Erchia, un porcelet, 3 dr.; pour Apollon Delphinios, à Erchia, (30) un mouton mâle, 12 dr.; le 8, pour Apollon Apotropaios, à Erchia, du côté de (35) Paiania, un caprin mâle, 12 dr.

En Anthesterion, pendant les Diasia, en ville, à Agrai, (40) pour Zeus Meilichios, un mouton mâle, offrande sans vin jusqu'aux viscères, 12 dr.

En Elaphebolion : le 16, pour Sémélè, sur le même autel, une chèvre à remettre aux femmes, (50) la peau revient à la prêtresse, ne pas emporter, 10 dr.

En Thargelion : le 4, pour Léto, dans le sanctuaire du (55) Pythios à Erchia, une chèvre, 10 dr.

En Skirophorion : le 3, pour Kourotrophos, (60) sur l'acropole à Erchia, un porcelet, 3 dr.; pour Athéna Polias, sur l'acropole à Erchia, une brebis « à la place (65) d'une vache », 10 dr.

Total : [111 dr.]

Colonne Β

En Metageitnion : le 12, dans l'Eleusinion urbain, pour Déméter, (5) une brebis, 10 dr.; le 16, pour Kourotrophos, dans (le sanctuaire d') Hécate à Erchia, un (10) porcelet, 3 dr.; pour Artémis Hécate, à Erchia, [une chèvre], 10 dr.

En Boedromion : (15) le 4, pour Basilè, à Erchia, une agnelle blanche, à brûler entièrement, offrande (20) sans vin, 7 dr.; le 27, pour Acheloos, sur la Colline à Erchia, (25) un mouton mâle, 12 dr.

En Gamelion : le 9, pendant les Herosouria, sur l'acropole (30) à Erchia, pour Athéna, une agnelle, 7 dr.; le 27, pour Kourotrophos, dans (le sanctuaire d')Héra (35) à Erchia, un porcelet, 3 dr.; pour Héra, à Erchia, une brebis, la peau revient à la prêtresse, 10 dr.

(40) En Mounychion : le 4, pour les Héraclides, un mouton mâle, à Erchia, 12 dr., ne pas emporter.

(45) En Thargelion : le 4, pour Apollon Pythios, à Erchia, un caprin mâle à (50) à remettre aux Pythaïstes, 12 dr.; pour Apollon Paion, sur la Colline à Erchia, un mouton mâle, 12 dr.

(55) En Skirophorion : le 3, pour Aglauros, sur l'acropole à Erchia, une brebis, ne pas emporter, 10 dr.

Total : 108 dr.

Colonne Γ

En Hekatombaion : le 21, pour Kourotrophos, dans (le sanctuaire ?) des (5) Sotidai à Erchia, un porcelet, ne pas emporter, 3 dr.; pour Artémis, dans (le sanctuaire ?) des Sotidai à (10) Erchia, une chèvre, ne pas emporter, la peau est consumée, 10 dr.

En Metageitnion : le 12, (15) pour Zeus Polieus, sur l'acropole en ville, un mouton mâle, ne pas emporter, 12 dr.; le 25, (20) pour Zeus Epopetès, sur la Colline à Erchia, un porcelet, à brûler entièrement, offrande sans vin, (25) 3 dr.

En Boedromion : le 27, pour Alochos, sur la Colline (30) à Erchia, une brebis, 10 dr.

En Gamelion : le 8, pour Apollon Apotropaios, (35) à Erchia, un caprin mâle à remettre aux Pythaïstes, 12 dr.; le 27, pour Zeus Teleios, dans (le sanctuaire d') (40) Héra à Erchia, un mouton mâle, 12 dr.

En Anthesterion : le 2, (45) pour Dionysos, à Erchia, un chevreau aux cornes qui pointent (?), 5 dr.

En Mounychion : le 20, (50) pour Leukaspis, à Erchia, un mouton mâle, offrande sans vin, ne pas emporter, 12 dr.

En Thargelion : le 4, (55) pour Zeus, sur la Colline à Erchia, un mouton mâle, 12 dr.

En Skirophorion : (60) le 3, pour Zeus Polieus, sur l'acropole à Erchia, un mouton mâle, ne pas emporter, 12 dr.; (65) le 16 [...]

Colonne Δ

En Hekatombaion : le 21, pour Kourotrophos, sur (5) l'Akros à Erchia, un porcelet, ne pas emporter, 3 dr.; pour Artémis, sur l'Akros à (10) Erchia, une chèvre, ne pas emporter, la peau est consumée, 10 dr.

En Metageitnion : le 12, (15) pour Athéna Polias, sur l'acropole en ville, une brebis, 10 dr.

En Boedromion : le 5, (20) pour Epops, à Erchia, un porcelet, à brûler entièrement, offrande sans vin, 3 dr.; le 27, (25) pour Hermès, sur la Colline à Erchia, un mouton mâle, 12 dr.

En Gamelion : le 27, (30) pour Poseidon, dans (le sanctuaire d')Héra à Erchia, un mouton mâle, 12 dr.

En Elaphebolion : le 16, (35) pour Dionysos, à Erchia, un caprin mâle à remettre aux femmes, ne pas emporter, la peau revient à la prêtresse, (40) 12 dr.

En Mounychion : le 21, pour les Tritopatres, à Erchia, (45) un mouton mâle, offrande sans vin, ne pas emporter, 12 dr.

En Thargelion : le 4, pour les Anakes, (50) à Erchia, un mouton mâle, 12 dr.; le 19, pour Menedeios, à Erchia, (55) un mouton mâle, ne pas emporter, 12 dr.

En Skirophorion : le 3, pour Poséidon, sur l'acropole (60) à Erchia, un mouton mâle, 12 dr.

Total : 110 dr.

Colonne Ε

En Metageitnion : le 19, pour les Héroïnes, à (5) Schoinos à Erchia, une brebis, ne pas emporter, la peau revient à la prêtresse, 10 dr.

En Boedromion : (10) le 5, pour Epops, à Erchia, un porcelet, à brûler entièrement, offrande sans vin, (15) 3 dr.; le 27, pour Gè, sur la Colline à Erchia, (20) une brebis pleine, ne pas emporter, 10 dr.

En Posideon : le 16, pour Zeus, sur le Rocher à Erchia, (25) un mouton mâle, ne pas emporter, 12 dr.; pour Zeus Horios, à Erchia, un porcelet, (30) ne pas emporter, 3 dr.

En Gamelion : le 7, pour Apollo Lykeios, (35) à Erchia, un mouton mâle à remettre aux Pythaïstes, 12 dr., ne pas emporter; le 8, (40) pour Apollo Nymphagète, à Erchia, un caprin mâle, 12 dr.; pour les Nymphes, sur (45) le même autel, une chèvre, 10 dr.

En Thargelion : le 4, pour Hermès, sur l'agora (50) à Erchia, un bélier, le héraut accomplit le sacrifice (55) et reçoit la part d'honneur juste comme le démarque, 10 dr.; le 16, (60) pour Zeus Epakrios, sur l'Hymette, un agneau, offrande sans vin, ne pas emporter, [7 dr.]

(65) En Skirophorion : [...]


This publication of the deme calendar has been devised essentially as a financial document. The price of offerings is carefully tabulated in order to facilitate accounting. A series of columns, five in total—clearly numbered and prefixed by the Greek letter Α-Ε—has been conceived in order to make the expenditure for the whole annual cycle of sacrifices divisible by that number. That is, each individual column treats the whole year chronologically, but when multiple significant sacrifices occur on the same day in the year, such sacrifices are occasionally divided over the five columns. The resulting sum per column is ca. 110 drachmae (col. Α = 111 dr.; Β = 108 dr.; Γ = 103 dr., with probably one sacrifice missing; Δ = 110 dr.; Ε has a lower total of 89 dr. but is missing the whole of the month of Skirophorion). The general total is uncertain, but would probably have been around 550 dr. To understand the ritual requirements on a particular day, one would thus have to consult all five columns. It may justifiably be presumed, then, that the primary objective of this method of dividing into five columns with more or less equal amounts was to make the sums manageable and payable by a body of deme officials (perhaps those holding the rank of δημαρχία, see below). In addition, the prices of animals offered are standardised: adult sheep and goats of 12 dr. (the most expensive offering in this calendar) are typically (but not exclusively) offered to male gods, while the same animals costing 10 dr. are usually (but not exclusively) offered to goddesses; we may thus infer that an ὄϊς and an αἴξ costing 12 dr. refer to a wether and a wether goat, while female incarnations of these animals appear to only cost 10 dr. The only case in the calendar where the sex of adult sheep or goat is explicitly mentioned appears in column Ε, where a κριός, a ram, is sacrificed to Hermes on the 4th of Thargelion; i.e. this was an uncastrated male sheep, by comparison with all the others in the calendar who were not ἔνορχοι. Other prices occasionally feature in the calendar: 7 dr. is the price for lambs (their sex is evident from the grammatical form); a kid (young male goat) occurs only once and is worth 5 dr.; least expensive are the piglets, 3 dr., whose gender can less certainly be determined. On the whole, the offerings are modest and the total amount at play equally so.

All of this is not to say that the inscription did not retain its primary function as a calendar. Though the stele is quite small and the letters minute, various reading tools (see also above on the layout) have been provided to ensure that it could be adequately and chronologically consulted. Each date is easily identifiable, occurring at the beginning of a given line (and thus never segmented as some of the other words in the columns can be). Ritual accuracy and the integrity of the document remained a primordial concern: cf. e.g. the added corrections in lines Β44, 59, and Ε38; all are concerned with a prohibition against take-away portions. For such prohibitions, see here CGRN 13 (Selinous), Face A, line 20, and CGRN 32 (Thorikos), with Commentary on lines 10-12.

Though the calendar is more or less completely extant (one sacrifice is missing in Column Γ and the whole of the last month, Skirophorion is missing in Column Ε) and provides a wealth of information concerning the practices of the deme. Further helpful information concerning Erchia and its rites has yet to be found, and it remains unclear what the header of the whole inscription, "The Greater Demarchy" (line 2), really means. Daux suggested that this was a sort of title: “liste principale des sacrifices à célébrer sous l’autorité de la Démarchie”. Humphreys, more suitably, opts to imagine a group of five annual magistrates appointed with executive and liturgical powers. Note indeed lines Ε48-59 of the calendar, where the herald is to obtain γέρα "just as the demarch does", thus implying that the demarch normally received perquisites, which implicitly confirms the expected role of this official as a sacrificial agent. Other indications of such an important role for the demarch are the only occasional mentions of other priestly personnel. For deme calendars in Attica, their focus on accounting, and the role of deme officials such as demarchs within them, see here CGRN 32 (Thorikos) and CGRN 56 (Marathonian Tetrapolis); cp. also CGRN 57 (Aixone).

On the whole, the calendar reveals how certain rites at Erchia closely matched those taking place in the city (ἐν ἄστε(ι), cf. Δ17) of Athens, usually on the Acropolis itself (ἐμ πόλε(ι)—often without further qualification), and at the same time; in fact, some are especially said to occur in specific places at Erchia during major festivals, for instance on its own acropolis (ἐμ πόλε(ι) Ἐρχιᾶσι vel sim.); see Commentary below for a discussion of many instances. Yet the picture is very much that of small community, whose annual sacrificial budget was not very big (about 550 dr.), and which does not sacrifice at all during the cold winter month, roughly the period of November to January: the month Maimakterion is not mentioned and its successor Poseideon only once (lines Ε22-30). The small scale is also perceptible in the fact no oxen are sacrificed and on one occasion a substitute for an expected ox is even envisaged (οἶς ἀν|[τ]ίβους, lines Α64-65). Other rites took place in a variety of locations across the deme, not all of them have been conclusively identified (e.g. the frequently occurring sacrifices ἐμ Πάγωι Ἐρχιᾶσιν, perhaps a nearby hill?).

Additionally, a few features of the calendar are worth noting. First, the goddess Kourotrophos often receives sacrifices of piglets in the sanctuary of other goddesses, presumably as preliminary offerings for larger sacrifices, see Pirenne-Delforge 2004; second, wineless offerings are occasionally mentioned, see Pirenne-Delforge 2011. Beyond these few general remarks, we opt here to discuss the text in its cross-referenced chronology and simultaneity, i.e. date by date, all the while indicating the relevant lines in each of the columns—rather than discussing each column item by item.

Lines Γ1-12 + Δ1-12 (Hekatombaion 21): As Mikalson notes, the occasion is unknown outside of Erchia and appears to be a small sacrifice specific to the deme. Two sets of sacrifices are performed, each consisting of a preliminary sacrifice for Kourotrophos and then a main sacrifice to Artemis respectively: one in a place, perhaps a sanctuary, said to be of the Sotidai at Erchia; the other on the hill or promontory called Akros at Erchia (this was apparently a different place from the location called ἐμ πόλει Ἐρχιᾶσι, which ought to refer to the acropolis of the deme proper). The group of the Sotidai is unknown and may have been a phratry or another local association. In both sacrifices to Artemis, the skin is not offered as a perquisite (cp. e.g. lines Ε1-8, and as is highly common elsewhere) but rather burned, καταγίζεσθαι; for this ritual, cp. here CGRN 13 (Selinous), Face A, line 12.

Lines Α1-5 + Β1-6 + Γ13-18 + Δ13-17 (Metageitnion 12): This appears to be an important date, since four simultaneous sacrifices are specified in four different columns. As Mikalson notes, since the sacrifice to Apollo Lykeios in column Α occurs in the city, that to Demeter in column Β at Eleusis and those to Zeus Polieus and Athena Polias in columns Γ and Δ on the Acropolis (in Athens), this might suggest that the reference is to a state festival; however, the occasion is otherwise unknown in Attica. A connection with preliminary rites for the Eleusinia might tentatively be suggested (on which see Mikalson, p. 46, though the date of this festival is controversial) or, perhaps more likely, with a state festival which may fall on the same date (though that remains uncertain), at CGRN 45, Face A, fr. 2.

Lines Β7-13 (Metageitnion 16): The sacrifice to Kourotrophos and Artemis Hekate in the sanctuary of that goddess is otherwise unattested and the occasion occurs only here in the calendar. The sanctuary was at Erchia and thus the sacrifice may be presumed to be strictly local. For Artemis Hekate at Athens, cf. IG I³ 383 (429/8 BC, there associated with Hermes); the goddess was invoked in connection with parturition in Aesch. Suppl. 676-677, more usually the domain of Ilithyia; on the connection of Artemis with childbirth, cf. also Eur. Hipp. 166-169; Hekate sometimes received the epithet kourotrophos.

Lines Ε1-8 (Metageitnion 19): A sacrifice to Heroines at a place called Schoinos ("the place of the reeds/rushes") in Erchia is mentioned here. The occasion is to be related with the sacrifice on the 20th of Metageitnion (below) but at any rate it appears to be local.

Lines Α6-13 (Metageitnion 20): At Erchia itself, we find here a specific and presumably local sacrifice to Hera Thelchinia ("who charms"). The epithet is rare, but Hsch. s.v. preserves a mention of the goddess in Athens and she is attested by a 4th-century-BC boundary from Velia, cf. SEG 26, 1211 (see Pirenne-Delforge - Pironti, p. 192-194, 232-233). The colour of the lamb to be offered to the goddess is specified as being "all-black", presumably a term employed to make sure that the animal did not even have a single spot or lighter tone. This stringent requirement is not attested elsewhere in the present Collection, where we find more flexibly defined "dark" animals, cf. CGRN 32 (Thorikos), lines 33-34 and 45-46, "dark or tawny" goats for Dionysus. It is striking that the animal is given in the accusative here, whereas all the other offerings are presented in the nominative, and that a form of ἀρήν is used, whereas all the other female lambs are designated by the term ἀμνή.

Lines Γ19-25 (Metageitnion 25): The occasion is otherwise unknown, but featured the holocaust of a piglet to Zeus Epopetes ("who watches over") at Erchia. The god is also attested in Attica by a small altar of Zeus Epopetes Nephalios, confirming that the god was expected to receive wineless offerings, cf. Papazarkadas. For the similar Zeus ᾿Επόπτης and ᾿Επόψιος, cf. Hsch. s.v. for the idea of Zeus "watching over", cp. more generally A. Supp. 402 and E. Hipp. 1363. In Greek literature, the notion that gods (should) watch over humans often implies that they also (should) act in consequence: the verb ὁράω is sometimes used in questions to gods ("do you see this?") or in admonitions ("look at this!"), both with an illocutionary force ("do something about it"). On holocausts, see Ekroth.

Lines Β14-20 (Boedromion 4): A holocaust of a white female lamb for Basile is prescribed on this day. The goddess was associated with Kodros and Neleus in a sanctuary on the southeast slope of the Acropolis, cf. IG I³ 84 (418/7 BC); of her local worship at Erchia, little is known. For white animals, see here: CGRN 6, lines 6-7 (a pregnant white female sheep to Hera Antheia at Miletos, mated by an also white ram) and CGRN 14, lines 2-3 (a white female sheep, probably for Hera at Gortyn). Given the association with Hera, a goddess occasionally known as Basileia (cf. Pirenne-Delforge - Pironti, chapter 2) the offering may seem particularly suitable for divine figure known as "Queen".

Lines Δ18-23 + Ε9-15 (Boedromion 5): This date is known as the civic festival of the Genesia, held in honour of dead parents, in Athens: see Mikalson, p. 49-50; Parker, p. 27-28. It would seem that ancestral heroes may have been worshipped in the context of this festival. Here, at Erchia this was the figure of Epops ("Overlooker", cp. Zeus Epopetes above, lines Γ19-25), while the same festival at Athens, not mentioned here, probably focused on Erechtheus, see the sacrificial calendar of Athens, CGRN 45, Face A, fr. 1, col. 3. The two entries preserved in the calendar of Erchia are intriguing and potentially problematic, because they are virtually identical: both attest to the wineless holocaust of a piglet in the sanctuary of the god at Erchia itself. Either two piglets were offered simultaneously (but accounted for differently and perhaps sacrificed by different magistrates) or perhaps—though less likely—an error has crept into the calendar (viz. one sacrifice may then have taken place in Athens and the other one in Erchia).

Lines Α12-16 + Β21-25 + Γ26-30 + Δ24-27 + Ε16-21 (Boedromion 27): Mentions of this sacrificial occasion are spread over all five columns of the calendar. Regrettably, nothing else is known about it, but it must clearly have been an important local festival. Intriguingly, sacrifices to Athena and Zeus are known to have taken place at Teithras on this day: CGRN 55, Face A, lines 7-12. This might suggest that we are dealing with a festival belonging to several Attic demes, though the gods honoured at Erchia (all on the Pagos) are of a different sort: the Nymphs, Acheloos, Alochos, Hermes, and Ge. Note, however, that Ge may fit particularly well with the Proerosia, which was celebrated in other demes around this time (the Autumn; the other gods also have a strong connection with the natural world, though admittedly less so with agriculture). For the Nymphs and Acheloos, CGRN 26 (Athens), Face 1, line 19. The name Alochos ("Unbedded") could be used of the virginal Artemis, cf. Pl. Tht. 149b, but it could also mean the "Wife" (cf. Pirenne-Delforge - Pironti, p. 191, n. 451). For the sacrifice of pregnant animals to Ge and other goddesses, especially Demeter, see here for example CGRN 32 (Thorikos, notably in connection with the Chloia and the Antheia), lines 38-39 and 43-44, CGRN 156 (Mykonos), lines 11-12, and CGRN 222 (Andania), lines 33 and 68; for further discussion, see Georgoudi and Bremmer.

Lines Α17-22 (Pyanopsion 14): Little is known about this specific rite, an apparently small sacrifice to the Heroines which takes place at Aulon in Erchia; according to Takeuchi's reading this should be literally a place meaning a "hollow" or a "glen" (not πυλών, as the earlier reading had it, implying a gate).

Lines Ε22-30 (Posideon 16): There is no other evidence for this sacrifice to Zeus at Erchia, but it appears to have involved at least two different manifestations: one at Petre (i.e. a rock) in Erchia, another to Zeus Horios, presumably in his local sanctuary. On Zeus Horios ("of the boundary"), see generally Pl. Leg. 8.842e-843a; for the Attic demes, cf. the sacrifice of a wether to this god in Skirophorion at CGRN 56 (Marathonian Tetrapolis), col. I, line 11, and see I.Eleusis 300 for a priest of the god (with Athena Horia) at Eleusis; differently, cp. also the elaborate sacrifice to Zeus Horios in the calendar of Phyxa on the 20th of Artamitios (Spring), CGRN 146, lines 13-14. Mikalson (p. 73-74) collects evidence for meetings of the ekklesia on this day, which likely precludes a state festival (since political activities were normally suspended on state festival days).

Lines Α23-36 + Γ31-37 + Ε31-46 (Gamelion 7-8): Though it is not completely certain, it may be hypothesised that these two days go together, apparently forming a local festival of Apollo at Erchia, perhaps a version of the Pythia. The 7th day of the month was of course widely reckoned to be a special day for Apollo: see CGRN 6 (Miletos), Commentary at lines 12-13, and Mikalson, p. 19. Two principal sacrifices take place on the seventh: one to Apollo Delphinios in his sanctuary at Erchia, preceded by a preliminary offering to Kourotrophos (Α23-30); another, to Apollo Lykeios, presumably in the sanctuary of that god at Erchia (Ε31-38). The offering in the latter case is παρ[α]δόσιμος to the Pythaistai: this presumably means that the animal, in this case a wether, could be ‘handed over’ for the performance of the sacrificial ritual by the cultic group in question; they (rather than a priest or a deme official) would thus have full responsibility and privileges for the rite (a wether goat on the 4th of Thargelion is to be "handed over" to the Pythaistai as well; cp. also two offerings on the 16th of Elaphebolion, which are to be "handed over" to women; see Commentary below ad loc.). Are the Pythaistai here a local cult group at Erchia or part of the official Athenian delegation for the Delphic Pythia? The former would seem more likely, though we cannot be sure. For Delphinia sanctuaries in the Attic demes, cp. here CGRN 32 (Thorikos), lines 6, 11, 63-64. As mentioned, it is attractive to relate the events of the 7th with those of the 8th, which also include sacrifices to Apollo: to Apollo Apotropaios at the boundaries of the deme towards Paiania (Α31-36) ; another to Apollo Apotropaios at Erchia itself, again involving the agency of the Pythaistai (Γ31-37); and finally one to Apollo Nymphagetes (and the Nymphs on the same altar), again at Erchia (Ε39-46). For Apollo Apotropaios ("Averter"), cf. here CGRN 99 (Cyrene), line 6, where rites to the god are similarly directed "outside the gates": a near-parallel for the boundaries with Paiania in this case. It is also intriguing that the rites to Apollo Apotropaios seem to preface (and thus perhaps to be related with) the festival of the Herosouria (see immediately below). For the Nymphs, and especially Apollo Nymphagetes in his capacity as "leader of the Nymphs", cp. here CGRN 17 (Thasos) as well as CGRN 56 (Marathonian Tetrapolis), col. I, line 45.

Lines Β26-31 (Gamelion 9): This entry contains one of the only festivals explicitly named in the calendar: the Erosouria or Herosouria. It is unclear if this occasion was in some way announced or prefigured by the celebrations for Apollo on 7-8 Gamelion (see above). At any rate, the occasion involved the sacrifice of a female lamb to Athena on the acropolis at Erchia (apparently a different general location than the "Akros" or acropolis of Erchia, see above on the 21st of Hekatombaion). Little is known about the festival of the Herosouria itself, or what this word might really mean; see Parker p. 68 and 470 for further discussion (for a festival with a compound name of this sort, cp. the Ἡροφάνεια attested at Megara, IG VII 48 (2nd century BC).

Lines Β32-39 + Γ38-41 + Δ28-33 (Gamelion 27): These rites have been convincingly identified as the celebration of the Theogamia or Hieros Gamos in Athens. At Erchia, this involved sacrifices to Zeus Teleios, to Poseidon, to Kourotrophos, and to Hera herself, all taking place in the sanctuary of this goddess. For the sources, see Salviat, Mikalson (p. 107), and Parker (p. 76 and 474); cp. here CGRN 21, lines 20-23, and CGRN 32 (Thorikos), line 32.

Lines Γ42-47 (Anthesterion 2): Nothing is known about this sacrifice to Dionysus, taking place at Erchia itself. For the kid "with budding horns" or of an even younger age (προ-πτόρθιον) offered to the god, cf. here esp. CGRN 21, lines 12-13, and also CGRN 26, Face A, line 18.

Lines Α37-43 (Anthesterion 23): This is one of the other few cases where a festival is specifically mentioned in the calendar, namely the Diasia (as specified here rather than specific date, uniquely). This was a festival of Zeus Meilichios taking place in Agrai, and the calendar of Erchia confirms the participation of the deme in this wider ritual; for the similar involvement of Thorikos, see CGRN 32, lines 34-35. The ritual is to be wineless "until the viscera", i.e. until the viscera are being roasted after part of the butchery of the sacrificial animal. In other words, libations could only be performed after the phase of the ritual concerned with the viscera. For the sources and further discussion concerning the Diasia, see Mikalson (p. 117) and Parker (p. 74-77 and 466).

Lines Α44-51 + Δ33-40 (Elaphebolion 16): Sacrifices to Dionysus and Semele, in the sanctuary of Dionysus, are in evidence on this day. Both are apparently to be performed by women, who receive the sacrificial animals in question as ritual agents. For the role of women in Greek cult, see CGRN 33 (Elateia), Commentary; for women’s roles in Dionysiac cult, see here CGRN 138 (Miletos); for rites to Dionysus and Semele, cp. CGRN 156 (Mykonos), lines 22-24. As Mikalson notes (p. 129-130), there may be some form of connection with the City Dionysia, which took place from the 10th of Elaphebolion, perhaps until the 16th.

Lines Β40-44 (Mounychion 4): This is the single attestation to a sacrifice on this day, in honour of the Herakleidai. For a possible connection with monthly rites in honour of Heracles (but also Hermes, Aphrodite, and Eros), see Mikalson, p. 138-139. For the Herakleidai honoured almost contemporaneously in Elaphebolion at Thorikos, see CGRN 32, lines 36-39, with further discussion; this may thus have been a celebration of the heroes that was widely (albeit flexibly, with respect to the precise date) celebrated in the Attic demes.

Lines Γ48-53 (Mounychion 20): Rites for Leukaspis (a hero of "the white shield", cf. LSJ s.v.) are otherwise unknown. It is unclear if this sacrifice is to be related to the 19th of Mounychion (the Olympieia?, cf. Mikalson, p. 145-146) or to the following day at Erchia (see below).

Lines Δ41-46 (Mounychion 21): A wineless sacrifice to the Tritopatres (literally, "great-grandfathers") is attested at Erchia on this specific occasion; for these gods, a form of worship devoted to ancestors or heroic deceased, cf. here CGRN 13 (Selinous), Face A, lines 9-16; CGRN 20 (Athens), Face B, lines 8-10; and esp. CGRN 56, col. II, lines 32 and 53, where sacrifices to these gods in the Marathonian Tetrapolis take place in the month Skirophorion.

Lines Α52-56 + Β45-54 + Γ54-58 + Δ47-52 + Ε47-58 (Thargelion 4): This combination of sacrifices, one of the only two specified in all of the columns of the calendar, no doubt again represents a major event at Erchia. In terms of location, however, the rites are a bit dispersed: Leto is honoured in the Pythion and Apollo Pythios also (the offering in this case is again to be handed over to the Pythaistai, see above on 7-8 Gamelion); Apollo Paion and Zeus are both honoured on the Pagos; the Anakes are honoured at Erchia in an unspecified location; finally, Hermes is the recipient of an unusually detailed sacrifice of a ram on the agora at Erchia. In this case, it is explicitly said that the herald is to officiate and to obtain portions "just like the demarch". Given this diversity, it remains difficult to evaluate the character of this festival at Erchia. For Hermes on the 4th day of the month, see Mikalson (p. 26-18 and 152).

Lines Ε59-64 (Thargelion 16): A lamb, probably male if we accept the restoration of the male adjective (νηφάλιος), was to be conveyed to Mount Hymettus in order to be sacrificed to Zeus Epakrios on this day. For the cult of Zeus on Mount Hymettus, see Langdon (with Hsch. and EM s.v. Epakrios, among other).

Lines Δ52-55 (Thargelion 19): Remarkably, this entry attests to the worship of a figure called Menedeios on this day. The occasion is known to have been that of the Bendideia in Athens (for the sources, see Mikalson, p. 158; Parker, p. 463). According to the brilliant hypothesis of Jameson, the two celebrations are clearly to be related: as he writes (p. 158-159), "the name of the Thracian goddess and its derivatives were sometimes spelt with an initial M [...] an epithet derived from the goddess’s name, applied to a male associate, would be Βενδίδειος or Μενδίδειος. But Mene- and not Mendi- is a common first element in Greek names [...] it is possible that Menedeios here is the Hellenized version of the male paredros of the Thracian goddess—Bendis/Mendis: Mendideios > Menedeios". What exactly was the role of the apparent hero Menedeios in the context of this festival and its celebration at Erchia itself remains to be clarified. For the cult of the Thracian goddess Bendis in Athens, see also here CGRN 44.

Lines Α57-65 + Β55-59 + Γ59-64 + Δ56-60 (Skirophorion 3): Jameson convincingly associates these sacrifices with those of the Arrhephoria in Athens. Indeed, the calendar of Erchia presents us with a sacrifice to Athena Polias in the city (preceded by an offering to Kourotrophos), together with sacrifices to Poseidon, Zeus Polieus and Aglauros in the same location. As Mikalson (p. 166-167) notes, discussing the sources, this convergence "suggests strongly" that the state festival then took place on the same date; on the Arrhephoria, see also Parker (p. 68 n. 69, p. 221-222 and 461) and cf. the probably parallel passage from the state calendar, CGRN 45, Face A, fr. 3, col. 1, lines 19-28. For the female sheep "instead of an ox" (or, more probably, a cow) offered to Athena Polias, note already the term present in S. fr. 405 (Meleager): ἀντίβοιον, which is glossed by Hsch. s.v. as ἰσόβοιον. The offering was meant as a substitute, not of equal value, but of equal significance as a bovine.

Lines Γ65-66 (Skirophorion 16): The sacrifice on this date is missing and cannot be restored. Mikalson (p. 172) provides ample evidence for political meetings in Athens on this date, probably precluding a major civic festival. It is therefore likely that the event was a local one.

Lines Ε65-66 (Skirophorion [?]): The date here is missing, but it is probable that the occasion was related to the rites attested on the 3rd or the 16th of Skirophorion, which are described in the other columns. Indeed, Dow went as far as to suggest restoring it as [τρίτει] | [ἱσταμένο], a date upon which Jameson would reconstruct a sacrifice to [Pandrosos], sister of Aglauros and jointly honoured in cult—Aglauros herself received an offering on the 3rd of Skirophorion (cf. above), presumably during the Arrhephoria.


Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike International License 4.0 .

All citation, reuse or distribution of this work must contain somewhere a link back to the DOI (, as well as the year of consultation (see “Home” for details on how to cite or click “Export Citation” to create a reference for this specific file).


  • Jan-Mathieu Carbon
  • Saskia Peels
  • Vinciane Pirenne-Delforge

How To Cite

Brief citation of the Greek text : CGRN 52, lines x-x.

Reference to the file as a critical study of the inscription : Jan-Mathieu Carbon, Saskia Peels et Vinciane Pirenne-Delforge, "CGRN 52: Sacrificial calendar of the deme of Erchia in Attica", in Collection of Greek Ritual Norms (CGRN), 2017-, consulted on March 12, 2025. URL:; DOI:

Full citation of the CGRN in a list of abbreviations or a bibliography is the following : Jan-Mathieu Carbon, Saskia Peels-Matthey, Vinciane Pirenne-Delforge, Collection of Greek Ritual Norms (CGRN), 2017-, consulted on March 12, 2025. URL:; DOI:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<TEI xmlns="" xml:id="CGRN_52" xml:lang="en">
	    			<title><idno type="filename">CGRN 52</idno>: <rs type="textType" key="sacrificial calendar">Sacrificial calendar</rs> of the deme of Erchia in Attica</title>
	    				<author>Jan-Mathieu Carbon</author>
	    			<author>Saskia Peels</author>	    		<author>Vinciane Pirenne-Delforge</author></titleStmt>
					<authority>Collection of Greek Ritual Norms, F.R.S.-FNRS Project no. 2.4561.12, University of Liège.</authority>
						<p>Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike International License <ref target="" type="external">4.0</ref>.</p><p>All citation, reuse or distribution of this work must contain somewhere a link back to the DOI (<idno type="DOI"></idno>), as well as the year of consultation (see “Home” for details on how to cite or click “Export Citation” to create a reference for this specific file).</p></availability>
			<supportDesc><support><p>A small moulded <rs type="objectType" key="stele">stele</rs>, broken
below, and somewhat worn on the left and right sides.</p>
					<height unit="cm">70</height>
					<width unit="cm">44-45</width>
					<depth unit="cm">from top to bottom, 9.5-11</depth>
			<layoutDesc><layout><p>The five columns are carefully separated by incised lines. Quasi-stoichedon, of 11-12 letters in length. <foreign>Paragraphoi</foreign> are usually indicated in the left margin before each specific date, or to highlight that a sacrifice occurs on the same date but presumably separately. These are not replicated here, though we have tried to reflect this segmentation in the translations. Month names are incised right next to the left margin, starting in the first <foreign>stoichos</foreign>. The remainder of the column concerning a given month starts after a <foreign>vacat</foreign> of one space, i.e. the following lines start in the second <foreign>stoichos</foreign>.</p>
				<p>Letters: <height unit="mm">5</height>; the letters in the header and for column numbering are larger, ca. <height unit="cm">1-1.3</height>, and similarly the inscribed totals at the bottom of each column.</p>
			<p><origDate notBefore="-0375" notAfter="-0350">ca. 375-350 BC</origDate></p>
			<p><desc>Justification: lettering and style (Daux).</desc></p>
		<provenance><p><placeName type="ancientFindspot" key="Erchia" n="Attica"><ref target="" type="external">Erchia</ref></placeName>. Found in modern Spata, in Attica. Now in the Epigraphical Museum in Athens (inv. no. 13163).</p>
	    	<encodingDesc><p>Encoded for EpiDoc schema 8.17 on 30-03-2014 by JM Carbon.</p>
	    			<language ident="eng">English</language>
	    			<language ident="grc">Ancient Greek</language>
	    			<language ident="lat">Latin</language>
	    			<language ident="fre">French</language>
	    			<language ident="ger">German</language>
	    			<language ident="gre">Modern Greek</language>
	    			<language ident="ita">Italian</language>
	    		<change>Revised by JM Carbon in 30.01.2019.</change>     
	<facsimile><graphic url="x"><desc/></graphic></facsimile> 
				<div type="bibliography">
					<p>Edition here based on the first full edition of <bibl type="author_date" n="Daux 1963">Daux 1963</bibl>, with fig. 1 and pl. 13-14, with the corrections in <bibl type="author_date" n="Daux 1964">Daux 1964</bibl>: 676-677. The readings are for the most part uncontroversial. Cf. <bibl type="author_date" n="Takeuchi 2010-2013">Takeuchi 2010-2013</bibl> for a new reading of line A20, adopted here (previously Πυλῶνι). Since column A is virtually complete, we have restored the total amount of drachmae in column A as its final, missing line.</p>
					<p>Cf. also: 
						<bibl type="abbr" n="SEG">SEG</bibl> 21, 541; 
						Sokolowski <bibl type="abbr" n="LSCG">LSCG</bibl> 18; 
						Le Guen-Pollet <bibl type="abbr" n="CDE">CDE</bibl> 61; 
						<ref target="" type="external">AIO</ref>, with another English translation and commentary.</p>
					<p>Further bibliography: 
						<bibl type="author_date" n="Salviat 1964">Salviat 1964</bibl>; 
						<bibl type="author_date" n="Dow 1965">Dow 1965</bibl>; 
						<bibl type="author_date" n="Jameson 1965">Jameson 1965</bibl>; 
						<bibl type="author_date" n="Mikalson 1975">Mikalson 1975</bibl>; 
						<bibl type="author_date" n="Langdon 1976">Langdon 1976</bibl>; 
						<bibl type="author_date" n="Georgoudi 1994">Georgoudi 1994</bibl>; 
						<bibl type="author_date" n="Ekroth 2002">Ekroth 2002</bibl>; 
						<bibl type="author_date" n="Humphreys 2004">Humphreys 2004</bibl>: 178; 
						<bibl type="author_date" n="Pirenne-Delforge 2004">Pirenne-Delforge 2004</bibl>; 
						<bibl type="author_date" n="Papazarkadas 2004-2009">Papazarkadas 2004-2009</bibl>: no. 4; 
						<bibl type="author_date" n="Bremmer 2005a">Bremmer 2005a</bibl>; 
						<bibl type="author_date" n="Parker 2005a">Parker 2005a</bibl>; 
						<bibl type="author_date" n="Pirenne-Delforge 2011">Pirenne-Delforge 2011</bibl>; 
						<bibl type="author_date" n="Pirenne-Delforge - Pironti 2016">Pirenne-Delforge - Pironti 2016</bibl>. </p>
	    			<div type="edition">
	    				<ab subtype="header">	
<lb xml:id="line_1" n="1"/><w lemma="θεός"><supplied reason="lost">θ</supplied>εοί</w>.
<lb xml:id="line_2" n="2"/><w lemma="δημαρχία">δημαρχία</w> ἡ <w lemma="μέγας">μέζων</w>.
	    			<ab subtype="column" n="A">Column Α				
<lb xml:id="line_A1" n="A1"/><name type="month"><w lemma="Μεταγειτνιών">Μεταγειτνιῶ
<lb xml:id="line_A2" n="A2" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> νος</w></name> <w lemma="δωδέκατος">δωδεκάτε
<lb xml:id="line_A3" n="A3" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ι</w>, <name type="deity" key="Apollo"><w lemma="Ἀπόλλων">Ἀπόλλωνι</w></name> <space quantity="1" unit="character"/> <name type="epithet" key="Lykeios"><w lemma="Λύκειος">Λ
<lb xml:id="line_A4" n="A4" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> υκείωι</w></name>, <w lemma="ἐν">ἐν</w> <name type="locality"><w lemma="ἄστυ">ἄστ
   <lb xml:id="line_A5" n="A5" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ει</w></name>, <name type="animal" key="sheep"><w lemma="ὄϊς">οἶς</w></name>, <w lemma="οὐ">οὐ</w> <name type="meal"><w lemma="φορά"><expan><abbr>φο</abbr><ex>ρά</ex></expan></w></name>, <num value="12">ΔU+10142U+10142</num>
<lb xml:id="line_A6" n="A6"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> <w lemma="δέκατος">δεκάτει</w> <w lemma="πρότερος">προτ
 <lb xml:id="line_A7" n="A7" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> έραι</w>, <name type="deity" key="Hera"><w lemma="Ἥρα">Ἥραι</w></name> <name type="epithet" key="Thelchinia"><w lemma="Τελχίς">Θελ
<lb xml:id="line_A8" n="A8" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> χινίαι</w></name>, <w lemma="ἐν">ἐμ</w> <name type="locality"><w lemma="πάγος">Πάγ
<lb xml:id="line_A9" n="A9" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ωι</w></name> <placeName key="Erchia"><w lemma="Ἐρχία"><expan><abbr>Ἐρχι</abbr><ex>ᾶσιν</ex></expan></w></placeName>, <name type="animal" key="sheep"><w lemma="ἀρήν">ἄρνα</w></name> <name type="colour1"><name type="gender"><w lemma="παμμέλας">π
<lb xml:id="line_A10" n="A10" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> αμμέλαιναν</w></name></name>, <w lemma="οὐ">ο
<lb xml:id="line_A11" n="A11" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ὐ</w> <name type="meal"><w lemma="φορά">φορά</w></name>, <num value="7">U+10143U+10142U+10142</num> <space quantity="3" unit="character"/>
<lb xml:id="line_A12" n="A12"/><name type="month"><w lemma="Βοηδρομιών">Βοηδρομιῶνος</w></name>
<lb xml:id="line_A13" n="A13"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> <w lemma="τετράς">τετράδι</w> <w lemma="φθίω">φθίν
<lb xml:id="line_A14" n="A14" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> οντος</w>, <name type="deity" key="Nymph"><w lemma="νύμφη">Νύμφαι
<lb xml:id="line_A15" n="A15" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ς</w></name>, <w lemma="ἐν">ἐμ</w> <name type="locality"><w lemma="πάγος">Πάγωι</w></name> <placeName key="Erchia"><w lemma="Ἐρχία"><expan><abbr>Ἐρχ
<lb xml:id="line_A16" n="A16" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ιᾶ</abbr><ex>σιν</ex></expan></w></placeName>, <name type="animal" key="sheep"><w lemma="ὄϊς">οἶς</w></name>, <num value="10">Δ</num> <space quantity="5" unit="character"/>
<lb xml:id="line_A17" n="A17"/><name type="month"><w lemma="Πυανοψιών">Πυανοψιῶνος</w></name> <w lemma="τετράς">τ
<lb xml:id="line_A18" n="A18" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ετράδι</w> <w lemma="ἐπί">ἐπὶ</w> <w lemma="δέκα">δέ
<lb xml:id="line_A19" n="A19" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> κα</w>, <name type="deity" key="Heroine"><w lemma="ἡρωίνη">Ἡρωΐναις</w></name>, <w lemma="ἐν">ἐ
<lb xml:id="line_A20" n="A20" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ν</w> <name type="locality"><w lemma="αὐλών"><unclear>Α</unclear>ὐλῶνι</w></name> <placeName key="Erchia"><w lemma="Ἐρχία"><expan><abbr>Ἐρχι</abbr><ex>ᾶσιν</ex></expan></w></placeName>,
<lb xml:id="line_A21" n="A21"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> <name type="animal" key="sheep"><w lemma="ὄϊς">οἶς</w></name>, <w lemma="οὐ">οὐ</w> <name type="meal"><w lemma="φορά">φορά</w></name>, <name type="personnel"><w lemma="ἱέρεια">ἱε
<lb xml:id="line_A22" n="A22" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ρείαι</w></name> τὸ <name type="portion"><w lemma="δέρμα"><expan><abbr>δέρ</abbr><ex>μα</ex></expan></w></name>, <num value="10">Δ</num>
<lb xml:id="line_A23" n="A23"/><name type="month"><w lemma="Γαμηλιών">Γαμηλιῶνος</w></name> <w lemma="ἕβδομος">ἑβ
<lb xml:id="line_A24" n="A24" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> δόμηι</w> <w lemma="ἵστημι">ἱσταμέ
<lb xml:id="line_A25" n="A25" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> νο</w>, <name type="deity" key="Kourotrophos"><w lemma="Κουροτρόφος">Κουροτρόφ
 <lb xml:id="line_A26" n="A26" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ωι</w></name>, <w lemma="ἐν">ἐν</w> <name type="structure"><name type="epithet" key="Delphinios"><w lemma="Δελφίνιον">Δελφινί
<lb xml:id="line_A27" n="A27" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ωι</w></name></name> <placeName key="Erchia"><w lemma="Ἐρχία"><expan><abbr>Ἐρχ</abbr><ex>ιᾶσιν</ex></expan></w></placeName>∶ <name type="animal" key="swine"><w lemma="χοῖρος"><expan><abbr>χοῖρ</abbr><ex>ος</ex></expan></w></name>, <num value="3">U+10142U+10142U+10142.</num>
<lb xml:id="line_A28" n="A28"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> <name type="deity" key="Apollo"><w lemma="Ἀπόλλων">Ἀπόλλωνι</w></name> <name type="epithet" key="Delphinios"><w lemma="Δελφίνιος">Δελ
<lb xml:id="line_A29" n="A29" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> φινίωι</w></name>, <placeName key="Erchia"><w lemma="Ἐρχία"><expan><abbr>Ἐρχιᾶ</abbr><ex>σιν</ex></expan></w></placeName>,
<lb xml:id="line_A30" n="A30"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> <name type="animal" key="sheep"><w lemma="ὄϊς">οἶς</w></name>, <num value="12">ΔU+10142U+10142</num>  <space quantity="4" unit="character"/>
<lb xml:id="line_A31" n="A31"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> <w lemma="ὄγδοος">ὀγδόηι</w> <w lemma="ἵστημι">ἱσταμ
<lb xml:id="line_A32" n="A32" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ένου</w>, <name type="deity" key="Apollo"><w lemma="Ἀπόλλων">Ἀπόλλων
 <lb xml:id="line_A33" n="A33" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ι</w></name> <name type="epithet" key="Apotropaios"><w lemma="ἀποτρόπαιος">Ἀποτροπαίω
<lb xml:id="line_A34" n="A34" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ι</w></name>, <placeName key="Erchia"><w lemma="Ἐρχία">Ἐρχιᾶσι</w></placeName>, <w lemma="πρός">πρὸ
<lb xml:id="line_A35" n="A35" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> <supplied reason="lost">ς </supplied></w> <name type="ethnic" key="Paiania"><w lemma="Παιανία">Παιανιέων</w></name>, <space quantity="1" unit="character"/>
<lb xml:id="line_A36" n="A36"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> <name type="animal" key="goat"><w lemma="αἴξ">αἴξ</w></name>, <num value="12">ΔU+10142U+10142</num>  <space quantity="4" unit="character"/>
<lb xml:id="line_A37" n="A37"/><name type="month"><w lemma="Ἀνθεστηριών">Ἀνθεστηριῶνο
<lb xml:id="line_A38" n="A38" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ς</w></name>, <name type="festival"><w lemma="Διάσια">Διασίοις</w></name>, <w lemma="ἐν">ἐν</w>
<lb xml:id="line_A39" n="A439"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> <name type="locality"><w lemma="ἄστυ">ἄστε<supplied reason="omitted">ι</supplied></w></name> <w lemma="">ἐν</w> <placeName key="Agrai"><w lemma="ἄγρα">Ἄγρας</w></placeName>
<lb xml:id="line_A40" n="A40"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> <name type="deity" key="Zeus"><w lemma="Ζεύς">Διὶ</w></name> <name type="epithet" key="Meilichios"><w lemma="μειλίχιος">Μιλιχίωι</w></name>,
<lb xml:id="line_A41" n="A41"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> <name type="animal" key="sheep"><w lemma="ὄϊς">οἶς</w></name>, <name type="liquid"><w lemma="νηφάλιος">νηφάλιος</w></name>
<lb xml:id="line_A42" n="A42"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> <w lemma="μέχρι">μέχρι</w> <name type="portion"><w lemma="σπλάγχνον">σπλάγχ
<lb xml:id="line_A43" n="A43" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> <supplied reason="lost">ν</supplied>ων</w></name>, <num value="12">ΔU+10142U+10142.</num> <space quantity="4" unit="character"/>
<lb xml:id="line_A44" n="A44"/><name type="month"><w lemma="Ἐλαφηβολιών"><supplied reason="lost">Ἐ</supplied>λαφηβολιῶνο
<lb xml:id="line_A45" n="A45" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ς </w></name> <w lemma="ἕκτος">ἕκτηι</w> <w lemma="ἐπί">ἐπὶ</w> <w lemma="δέκα">δέ
	<lb xml:id="line_A46" n="A46" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> κα</w>, <name type="deity" key="Semele"><w lemma="σεμέλη">Σεμέληι</w></name>, <w lemma="ἐπί">ἐπ
<lb xml:id="line_A47" n="A47" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ὶ</w> τοῦ <w lemma="αὐτός">αὐτοῦ</w> <name type="structure"><w lemma="βωμός">βω
<lb xml:id="line_A48" n="A48" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> μοῦ</w></name>, <name type="animal" key="goat"><w lemma="αἴξ">αἴξ</w></name>, <name type="person"><w lemma="γυνή">γυναι
<lb xml:id="line_A49" n="A49" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ξὶ</w></name> <name type="sacrifice"><w lemma="παραδόσιμος">παραδόσιμ
<lb xml:id="line_A50" n="A50" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ος</w></name>, <name type="personnel"><w lemma="ἱέρεια">ἱερέας</w></name> τὸ <name type="portion"><w lemma="δέρμα">δ
<lb xml:id="line_A51" n="A51" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> έρμα</w></name>, <w lemma="οὐ">οὐ</w> <name type="meal"><w lemma="φορά">φορά</w></name>, <num value="10">Δ</num>
<lb xml:id="line_A52" n="A52"/><name type="month"><w lemma="Θαργηλιών"><supplied reason="lost">Θ</supplied>αργηλιῶνος</w></name> <w lemma="τετράς">τ
<lb xml:id="line_A53" n="A53" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ετράδι</w> <w lemma="ἵστημι">ἱσταμ
<lb xml:id="line_A54" n="A54" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ένο</w>, <name type="deity" key="Leto"><w lemma="Λητώ">Λητοῖ</w></name>, <w lemma="ἐν">ἐμ</w> <name type="structure"><name type="epithet" key="Pythios"><w lemma="Πύθιον">Π
<lb xml:id="line_A55" n="A55" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> <supplied reason="lost">υ</supplied>θίο </w></name></name> <placeName key="Erchia"><w lemma="Ἐρχία"><expan><abbr>Ἐρχιᾶσι</abbr><ex>ν</ex></expan></w></placeName>,
<lb xml:id="line_A56" n="A56"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> <name type="animal" key="goat"><w lemma="αἴξ"><supplied reason="lost">α</supplied>ἴξ</w></name> <pc>∶</pc> <num value="10">Δ</num> <space quantity="5" unit="character"/>
<lb xml:id="line_A57" n="A57"/><name type="month"><w lemma="Σκιροφοριών"><supplied reason="lost">Σ</supplied>κιροφοριῶνο
<lb xml:id="line_A58" n="A58" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ς</w></name> <w lemma="τρίτος">τρίτη<supplied reason="omitted">ι</supplied></w> <w lemma="ἵστημι">ἱσταμ
<lb xml:id="line_A59" n="A59" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ένου</w> <name type="deity" key="Kourotrophos"><w lemma="Κουροτρόφος">Κουροτρ
<lb xml:id="line_A60" n="A60" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> όφωι</w></name>, <w lemma="ἐν">ἐμ</w> <name type="locality"><w lemma="πόλις">πόλει</w></name>
<lb xml:id="line_A61" n="A61"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> <placeName key="Erchia"><w lemma="Ἐρχία"><expan><abbr>Ἐρχ</abbr><ex>ιᾶσιν</ex></expan></w></placeName> <pc>∶</pc> <name type="animal" key="swine"><w lemma="χοῖρος">χοῖρος</w></name>, <num value="3">U+10142U+10142U+10142</num>
<lb xml:id="line_A62" n="A62"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> <name type="deity" key="Athena"><w lemma="Ἀθήνη">Ἀθηνάαι</w></name> <name type="epithet" key="Polias"><w lemma="Πολιάς">Πολι
<lb xml:id="line_A63" n="A63" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> άδι</w></name>, <w lemma="">ἐμ</w> <name type="locality"><w lemma="πόλις">πόλει</w></name> <placeName key="Erchia"><w lemma="Ἐρχία">Ἐ
<lb xml:id="line_A64" n="A64" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ρχιᾶσι</w></placeName>, <name type="animal" key="sheep"><w lemma="ὄϊς">οἶς</w></name>, <name type="quality"><w lemma="ἀντίβους">ἀν
<lb xml:id="line_A65" n="A65" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> <supplied reason="lost">τ</supplied>ίβους</w></name>, <num value="10">Δ</num> <space quantity="4" unit="character"/>
<lb xml:id="line_A66" n="A66"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> <w lemma="κεφάλαιος"><supplied reason="lost">κε</supplied>φάλαιον</w> <space quantity="2" unit="character"/>
<lb xml:id="line_A67" n="A67"/><num value="101"><supplied reason="lost">ΗΔU+10142</supplied></num> 	
	    				<ab subtype="column" n="B">Column Β					
<lb xml:id="line_B1" n="B1"/><name type="month"><w lemma="Μεταγειτνιών">Μεταγειτνιῶ
<lb xml:id="line_B2" n="B2" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> νος</w></name> <w lemma="δωδέκατος">δω<supplied reason="lost">δεκ</supplied>άτ
<lb xml:id="line_B3" n="B3" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ει</w>, <w lemma="ἐν">ἐν</w> <name type="structure"><name type="epithet" key="Eleusinios"><w lemma="Ἐλευσίνιος"><expan><abbr>Ἐλευσι</abbr><ex>νίωι</ex></expan></w></name></name>
<lb xml:id="line_B4" n="B4"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> <w lemma="ἐν">ἐν</w> <name type="locality"><w lemma="ἄστυ">ἄστει</w></name>, <name type="deity"><w lemma="Δημήτηρ">Δήμ
 <lb xml:id="line_B5" n="B5" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ητρι</w></name>, <name type="animal" key="sheep"><w lemma="ὄϊς">οἶς</w></name>, <num value="10">Δ</num> <space quantity="3" unit="character"/>
<lb xml:id="line_B6" n="B6"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> <w lemma="ἕκτος">ἕκτηι</w> <w lemma="ἐπί">ἐπὶ</w> <w lemma="δέκα">δέ
<lb xml:id="line_B7" n="B7" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> κα</w>, <name type="deity" key="Kourotrophos"><w lemma="Κουροτρόφος">Κοροτρόφ
<lb xml:id="line_B8" n="B8" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ωι</w></name>, <w lemma="ἐν">ἐν</w> <name type="deity" key="Hekate"><w lemma="Ἑκάτη"><supplied reason="lost">Ἑ</supplied>κάτης</w></name>
<lb xml:id="line_B9" n="B9"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> <placeName key="Erchia"><w lemma="Ἐρχία">Ἐρχιᾶσι</w></placeName>, <name type="animal" key="swine"><w lemma="χοῖρος">χοῖ
<lb xml:id="line_B10" n="B10" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ρος</w></name>, <num value="3">U+10142U+10142U+10142</num> <space quantity="4" unit="character"/>
<lb xml:id="line_B11" n="B11"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> <name type="deity" key="Artemis"><w lemma="Ἄρτεμις">Ἀρτέμιδι</w></name> <name type="epithet" key="Hekate"><w lemma="Ἑκάτη">Ἑκ
<lb xml:id="line_B12" n="B12" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> άτει</w></name>, <placeName key="Erchia"><w lemma="Ἐρχία">Ἐρχιᾶ<supplied reason="lost">σ</supplied>
<lb xml:id="line_B13" n="B13" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ι<supplied reason="lost">ν</supplied></w></placeName><supplied reason="lost">,</supplied> <name type="animal" key="goat"><w lemma="αἴξ"><supplied reason="lost">αἴ</supplied>ξ</w></name>, <num value="10">Δ</num>  <space quantity="4" unit="character"/>
<lb xml:id="line_B14" n="B14"/><name type="month"><w lemma="Βοηδρομιών">Βο<supplied reason="lost">ηδ</supplied>ρομιῶνο
<lb xml:id="line_B15" n="B15" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ς </w></name> <w lemma="τετράς">τετράδι</w> <w lemma="ἵστημι">ἱσ
   <lb xml:id="line_B16" n="B16" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ταμένο</w>, <name type="deity" key="Basile"><w lemma="βασίλη">Βασί
<lb xml:id="line_B17" n="B17" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> λει</w></name>, <placeName key="Erchia"><w lemma="Ἐρχία"><expan><abbr>Ἐρχιᾶ</abbr><ex>σιν</ex></expan></w></placeName>, <name type="animal" key="sheep"><name type="gender"><name type="age"><w lemma="ἀμνή">ἀμ
<lb xml:id="line_B18" n="B18" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/>
νὴ</w></name></name></name> <name type="colour1"><w lemma="λευκός">λευκή</w></name>, <name type="sacrifice"><w lemma="ὁλόκαυτος">ὁλό
<lb xml:id="line_B19" n="B19" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> καυτος</w></name>, <name type="liquid"><w lemma="νηφάλιος">νηφά
<lb xml:id="line_B20" n="B20" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> λιος</w></name>, <num value="12">U+10143U+10142U+10142</num> <space quantity="3" unit="character"/>
<lb xml:id="line_B21" n="B21"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> <w lemma="τετράς">τετράδι</w> <w lemma="φθίω">φθί
<lb xml:id="line_B22" n="B22" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> νοντος</w>, <w lemma="ἐν">ἐμ</w> <name type="locality"><w lemma="πάγος">Πά
<lb xml:id="line_B23" n="B23" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> <supplied reason="lost">γ</supplied>ωι</w></name> <placeName key="Erchia"><w lemma="Ἐρχία">Ἐρχιᾶσι
<lb xml:id="line_B24" n="B24" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ν</w></placeName>, <name type="deity" key="Acheloos"><w lemma="Ἀχελῷος">Ἀχελώωι</w></name> <space quantity="2" unit="character"/>
<lb xml:id="line_B25" n="B25"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> <name type="animal" key="sheep"><w lemma="ὄϊς">οἶς</w></name>, <num value="12">ΔU+10142U+10142</num> <space quantity="4" unit="character"/>
<lb xml:id="line_B26" n="B26"/><name type="month"><w lemma="Γαμηλιών">Γαμηλιῶνος</w></name>
<lb xml:id="line_B27" n="B27"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> <w lemma="ἔνατος">ἐνάτηι</w> <w lemma="ἵστημι">ἱστα
<lb xml:id="line_B28" n="B28" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> μένο</w>, <name type="festival"><w lemma="Ἠροσούρια">Ἠροσου
<lb xml:id="line_B29" n="B29" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ρίοις</w></name>, <w lemma="ἐν">ἐμ</w> <name type="locality"><w lemma="πόλις">πόλ
<lb xml:id="line_B30" n="B30" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ει </w></name> <placeName key="Erchia"><w lemma="Ἐρχία">Ἐρχιᾶσι<supplied reason="omitted">ν</supplied></w></placeName>, <name type="deity" key="Athena"><w lemma="Ἀθήνη">Ἀ
<lb xml:id="line_B31" n="B31" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> θηνᾶι</w></name>, <name type="animal" key="sheep"><name type="gender"><name type="age"><w lemma="ἀμνή">ἀμνή</w></name></name></name>, <num value="12">U+10143U+10142U+10142</num>
<lb xml:id="line_B32" n="B32"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> <w lemma="τετράς">τετράδι</w> <w lemma="φθίω">φθί
<lb xml:id="line_B33" n="B33" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> νοντος</w>, <name type="deity" key="Kourotrophos"><w lemma="Κουροτρόφος">Κουρ
<lb xml:id="line_B34" n="B34" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> οτρόφωι</w></name>, <w lemma="ἐν">ἐν</w> <name type="deity" key="Hera"><w lemma="Ἥρα">Ἥ
<lb xml:id="line_B35" n="B35" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ρας </w></name> <placeName key="Erchia"><w lemma="Ἐρχία">Ἐρχιᾶσι</w></placeName>,
<lb xml:id="line_B36" n="B36"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> <name type="animal" key="swine"><w lemma="χοῖρος">χοῖρος</w></name>, <num value="3">U+10142U+10142U+10142</num> <space quantity="1" unit="character"/>
<lb xml:id="line_B37" n="B37"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> <name type="deity" key="Hera"><w lemma="Ἥρα">Ἥραι</w></name>, <placeName key="Erchia"><w lemma="Ἐρχία">Ἐρχιᾶσ
<lb xml:id="line_B38" n="B38" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ι<supplied reason="omitted">ν</supplied></w></placeName>, <name type="animal" key="sheep"><w lemma="ὄϊς">οἶς</w></name>, <name type="personnel"><w lemma="ἱέρεια">ἱερέαι</w></name>
<lb xml:id="line_B39" n="B39"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> <name type="portion"><w lemma="δέρμα">δέρμα</w></name>, <num value="10">Δ</num>  <space quantity="4" unit="character"/>
<lb xml:id="line_B40" n="B40"/><name type="month"><w lemma="Μουνυχιών">Μουνιχιῶνο
<lb xml:id="line_B41" n="B41" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ς</w></name> <w lemma="τετράς">τετράδι</w> <w lemma="ἵστημι">ἱσ
 <lb xml:id="line_B42" n="B42" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ταμένου</w>, <name type="deity" key="Herakleidai"><w lemma="Ἡρακλεῖδαι">Ἡρα
<lb xml:id="line_B43" n="B43" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> κλείδαις</w></name>, <name type="animal" key="sheep"><w lemma="ὄϊς">οἶ
<lb xml:id="line_B44" n="B44" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ς</w></name>, <placeName key="Erchia"><w lemma="Ἐρχία"><expan><abbr>Ἐρχιᾶ</abbr><ex>σι</ex></expan></w></placeName>, <num value="12">ΔU+10142U+10142 </num> <space quantity="1" unit="character"/> <add place="right"><w lemma="οὐ">οὐ</w> <name type="meal"><w lemma="φορά"><expan><abbr>φ</abbr><ex>ορά</ex></expan></w></name></add>
<lb xml:id="line_B45" n="B45"/><name type="month"><w lemma="Θαργηλιών"><supplied reason="lost">Θ</supplied>αργηλιῶνος</w></name>
<lb xml:id="line_B46" n="B46"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> <w lemma="τετράς">τετράδι</w> <w lemma="ἵστημι">ἱστ
<lb xml:id="line_B47" n="B47" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> αμένο</w>, <name type="deity" key="Apollo"><w lemma="Ἀπόλλων">Ἀπόλλ
<lb xml:id="line_B48" n="B48" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ωνι</w></name> <name type="epithet" key="Pythios"><w lemma="Πύθιος">Πυθίωι</w></name>, <placeName key="Erchia"><w lemma="Ἐρχία">Ἐ
<lb xml:id="line_B49" n="B49" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ρχι<ex>ᾶσι</ex></w></placeName> <pc>∶</pc> <name type="animal" key="goat"><w lemma="αἴξ">αἴξ</w></name>, <name type="sacrifice"><w lemma="παραδόσιμος">παρα
 <lb xml:id="line_B50" n="B50" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> δόσιμος </w></name> <name type="group"><w lemma="Πυθαϊστής">Πυθ
<lb xml:id="line_B51" n="B51" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> αϊσταῖς</w></name>, <num value="12">ΔU+10142U+10142</num>
<lb xml:id="line_B52" n="B52"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> <name type="deity" key="Apollo"><w lemma="Ἀπόλλων">Ἀπόλλωνι</w></name> <name type="epithet" key="Paian"><w lemma="Παιάν">Πα
<lb xml:id="line_B53" n="B53" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ιῶνι</w></name>, <w lemma="ἐν">ἐμ</w> <name type="locality"><w lemma="πάγος">Πάγω
 <lb xml:id="line_B54" n="B54" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ι</w></name> <placeName key="Erchia"><w lemma="Ἐρχία"><expan><abbr>Ἐρχι</abbr><ex>ᾶσιν</ex></expan></w></placeName>, <name type="animal" key="sheep"><w lemma="ὄϊς">οἶς</w></name>, <num value="12">ΔU+10142U+10142</num>
<lb xml:id="line_B55" n="B55"/><name type="month"><w lemma="Σκιροφοριών"><supplied reason="lost">Σ</supplied>κιροφοριῶν
<lb xml:id="line_B56" n="B56" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ος</w></name> <w lemma="τρίτος">τρίτηι</w> <w lemma="ἵστημι">ἱσ
<lb xml:id="line_B57" n="B57" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ταμένο</w>, <name type="deity" key="Aglauros"><w lemma="ἄγλαυρος">Ἀγλα
<lb xml:id="line_B58" n="B58" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ύρωι</w></name> <w lemma="ἐν">ἐμ</w> <name type="locality"><w lemma="πόλις">πόλε<supplied reason="omitted">ι</supplied></w></name>
<lb xml:id="line_B59" n="B59"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> <placeName key="Erchia"><w lemma="Ἐρχία"><expan><abbr>Ἐρχι</abbr><ex>ᾶσιν</ex></expan></w></placeName> <pc>∶</pc> <name type="animal" key="sheep"><w lemma="ὄϊς">οἶς</w></name>, <num value="10">Δ</num> <space quantity="1" unit="character"/> <add place="right"><w lemma="οὐ">οὐ</w> <name type="meal"><w lemma="φορά"><expan><abbr>φ</abbr><ex>ορά</ex></expan></w></name></add>
<lb xml:id="line_B60" n="B60"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> <w lemma="κεφάλαιος">κεφάλαιον</w> <space quantity="1" unit="character"/>
<lb xml:id="line_B61" n="B61"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> <num value="108">ΗU+10143U+10142U+10142U+10142</num> <space quantity="2" unit="character"/>
	    				<ab subtype="column" n="Γ">Column Γ
<lb xml:id="line_Γ1" n="Γ1"/><name type="month"><w lemma="Ἑκατομβαιών"><supplied reason="lost">Ἑ</supplied>κατομβαιῶν
<lb xml:id="line_Γ2" n="Γ2" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ος</w></name> <w lemma="δέκατος">δεκάτει</w> <w lemma="ὕστερος">ὑ
<lb xml:id="line_Γ3" n="Γ3" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> στέραι</w>, <name type="deity" key="Kourotrophos"><w lemma="Κουροτρόφος">Κουρ
<lb xml:id="line_Γ4" n="Γ4" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> οτρόφωι</w></name>, <w lemma="εἰς">ἐς</w> <name type="group"><w lemma="Σωτίδαι">Σ
<lb xml:id="line_Γ5" n="Γ5" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ωτιδῶν </w></name> <placeName key="Erchia"><w lemma="Ἐρχία"><expan><abbr>Ἐρχι</abbr><ex>ᾶσι</ex></expan></w></placeName>,
<lb xml:id="line_Γ6" n="Γ6"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> <name type="animal" key="swine"><w lemma="χοῖρος">χοῖρος</w></name>, <w lemma="οὐ">οὐ</w> <name type="meal"><w lemma="φορά">φο
<lb xml:id="line_Γ7" n="Γ7" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ρά</w></name>, <num value="3">U+10142U+10142U+10142</num> <space quantity="5" unit="character"/>
<lb xml:id="line_Γ8" n="Γ8"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> <name type="deity" key="Artemis"><w lemma="Ἄρτεμις">Ἀρτέμιδι</w></name> <w lemma="εἰς">ἐς</w>
<lb xml:id="line_Γ9" n="Γ9"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> <name type="group"><w lemma="Σωτίδαι">Σωτιδῶν</w></name> <placeName key="Erchia"><w lemma="Ἐρχία"><expan><abbr>Ἐρχ
<lb xml:id="line_Γ10" n="Γ10" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ι</abbr><ex>ᾶσιν</ex></expan></w></placeName> <pc>∶</pc> <name type="animal"><w lemma="αἴξ">αἴξ</w></name>, <w lemma="οὐ">οὐ</w> <name type="meal"><w lemma="φορά">φορά</w></name>,
<lb xml:id="line_Γ11" n="Γ11"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> τὸ <name type="portion"><w lemma="δέρμα">δέρμα</w></name> <name type="sacrifice"><w lemma="καταγίζω"><expan><abbr>κατ
<lb xml:id="line_Γ12" n="Γ12" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> αγίζ</abbr><ex>εσθαι</ex></expan></w></name> <pc>∶</pc> <num value="10">Δ</num> <space quantity="5" unit="character"/>  
<lb xml:id="line_Γ13" n="Γ13"/><name type="month"><w lemma="Μεταγειτνιών"><supplied reason="lost">Μ</supplied>εταγειτνιῶ
<lb xml:id="line_Γ14" n="Γ14" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> νος</w></name> <w lemma="δωδέκατος">δωδεκάτ
<lb xml:id="line_Γ15" n="Γ15" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ει</w>, <name type="deity" key="Zeus"><w lemma="Ζεύς">Διὶ</w></name> <name type="epithet"><w lemma="Πολιεύς">Πολιε<supplied reason="omitted">ῖ</supplied></w></name>,
<lb xml:id="line_Γ16" n="Γ16"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> <w lemma="ἐν">ἐμ</w> <name type="locality"><w lemma="πόλις">πόλε<supplied reason="omitted">ι</supplied></w></name> <w lemma="ἐν">ἐν</w> <name type="locality"><w lemma="ἄστυ">ἄσ
<lb xml:id="line_Γ17" n="Γ17" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> τε<supplied reason="omitted">ι</supplied></w></name>, <name type="animal" key="sheep"><w lemma="ὄϊς">οἶς</w></name>, <w lemma="οὐ">οὐ</w> <name type="meal"><w lemma="φορά">φορ
<lb xml:id="line_Γ18" n="Γ18" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ά</w></name>, <num value="12">ΔU+10142U+10142</num> <space quantity="6" unit="character"/>
<lb xml:id="line_Γ19" n="Γ19"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> <w lemma="ἕκτος">ἕκτηι</w> <w lemma="φθίω">φθίνο
<lb xml:id="line_Γ20" n="Γ20" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ντος</w>, <name type="deity" key="Zeus"><w lemma="Ζεύς">Διὶ</w></name> <name type="epithet" key="Epopetes"><w lemma="ἐπωπετής">Ἐπω
<lb xml:id="line_Γ21" n="Γ21" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> πετεῖ</w></name>, <w lemma="ἐν">ἐμ</w> <name type="locality"><w lemma="πάγος">Πάγ
<lb xml:id="line_Γ22" n="Γ22" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ωι</w></name> <placeName key="Erchia"><w lemma="Ἐρχία">Ἐρχιᾶσι</w></placeName>, <name type="animal" key="swine"><w lemma="χοῖρος">χ
<lb xml:id="line_Γ23" n="Γ23" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> οῖρος</w></name>, <name type="sacrifice"><w lemma="ὁλόκαυτος">ὁλόκα
<lb xml:id="line_Γ24" n="Γ24" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> υτος</w></name>, <name type="liquid"><w lemma="νηφάλιος">νηφάλι
<lb xml:id="line_Γ25" n="Γ25" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ος</w></name>, <num value="3">U+10142U+10142U+10142</num> <space quantity="5" unit="character"/>
<lb xml:id="line_Γ26" n="Γ26"/><name type="month"><w lemma="Βοηδρομιών"><supplied reason="lost">Β</supplied>οηδρομιῶνο
<lb xml:id="line_Γ27" n="Γ27" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ς</w></name> <w lemma="τετράς">τετράδι</w> <w lemma="φθίω">φθ
<lb xml:id="line_Γ28" n="Γ28" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ίνοντος</w>, <name type="deity" key="Alochos"><w lemma="ἄλοχος">Ἀλό
<lb xml:id="line_Γ29" n="Γ29" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> χωι</w></name>, <w lemma="ἐν">ἐμ</w> <name type="locality"><w lemma="πάγος">Πάγωι</w></name>
<lb xml:id="line_Γ30" n="Γ30"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> <placeName key="Erchia"><w lemma="Ἐρχία"><expan><abbr>Ἐρχι</abbr><ex>ᾶσιν</ex></expan></w></placeName> <pc>∶</pc> <name type="animal" key="sheep"><w lemma="ὄϊς">οἶς</w></name> <pc>∶</pc> <num value="10">Δ</num> <space quantity="2" unit="character"/>
<lb xml:id="line_Γ31" n="Γ31"/><name type="month"><w lemma="Γαμηλιών"><supplied reason="lost">Γ</supplied>αμηλιῶνος</w></name> <w lemma="ὄγδοος">ὀ
<lb xml:id="line_Γ32" n="Γ32" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> γδόηι</w> <w lemma="ἵστημι"><expan><abbr>ἱσταμ
<lb xml:id="line_Γ33" n="Γ33" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> έ</abbr><ex>νο</ex></expan></w>, <name type="deity" key="Apollo"><w lemma="Ἀπόλλων">Ἀπόλλωνι</w></name> <name type="epithet" key="Apotropaios"><w lemma="ἀποτρόπαιος">Ἀ
<lb xml:id="line_Γ34" n="Γ34" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ποτροπαίωι</w></name>,
<lb xml:id="line_Γ35" n="Γ35"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> <placeName key="Erchia"><w lemma="Ἐρχία">Ἐρχιᾶσι<supplied reason="omitted">ν</supplied></w></placeName>, <name type="animal" key="goat"><w lemma="αἴξ">αἴξ</w></name>,
<lb xml:id="line_Γ36" n="Γ36"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> <name type="group"><w lemma="Πυθαϊστής">Πυ<supplied reason="lost">θα</supplied>ϊσταῖς</w></name>	    
<lb xml:id="line_Γ37" n="Γ37"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> <name type="sacrifice"><w lemma="παραδόσιμος"><expan><abbr>παραδόσ</abbr><ex>ιμος</ex></expan></w></name>, <num value="12">ΔU+10142U+10142</num>
<lb xml:id="line_Γ38" n="Γ38"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> <w lemma="τετράς">τετράδι</w> <w lemma="φθίω">φθί
<lb xml:id="line_Γ39" n="Γ39" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> νοντος</w>, <name type="deity" key="Zeus"><w lemma="Ζεύς">Διὶ</w></name> <name type="epithet" key="Teleios"><w lemma="τέλειος">Τ
<lb xml:id="line_Γ40" n="Γ40" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ελείωι</w></name>, <w lemma="ἐν">ἐν</w> <name type="deity" key="Hera"><w lemma="Ἥρα">Ἥρ
 <lb xml:id="line_Γ41" n="Γ41" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ας</w></name> <placeName key="Erchia"><w lemma="Ἐρχία"><expan><abbr>Ἐρχ</abbr><ex>ιᾶσιν</ex></expan></w></placeName> <pc>∶</pc> <name type="animal" key="sheep"><w lemma="ὄϊς">οἶς</w></name>, <num value="12">ΔU+10142U+10142</num>
<lb xml:id="line_Γ42" n="Γ42"/><name type="month"><w lemma="Ἀνθεστηριών"><supplied reason="lost">Ἀ</supplied>νθεστηριῶν
<lb xml:id="line_Γ43" n="Γ43" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ος</w></name> <w lemma="δεύτερος">δευτέραι</w>
<lb xml:id="line_Γ44" n="Γ44"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> <w lemma="ἵστημι">ἱσταμένο</w>, <name type="deity" key="Dionysus"><w lemma="Διόνυσος">Δι
<lb xml:id="line_Γ45" n="Γ45" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ονύσωι</w></name>, <placeName key="Erchia"><w lemma="Ἐρχία"><expan><abbr>Ἐρχι<ex>ᾶσιν</ex></abbr></expan></w></placeName>,
<lb xml:id="line_Γ46" n="Γ46"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> <name type="animal" key="goat"><w lemma="ἔριφος">ἔριφος</w></name> <name type="age"><w lemma="προπτόρθιον"><expan><abbr>προπ
<lb xml:id="line_Γ47" n="Γ47" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> τόρθι<ex>ος</ex></abbr></expan></w></name> <pc>∶</pc> <num value="5">U+10143</num> <space quantity="4" unit="character"/>
<lb xml:id="line_Γ48" n="Γ48"/><name type="month"><w lemma="Μουνυχιών"><supplied reason="lost">Μ</supplied>ονιχιῶνος</w></name> <w lemma="δέκατος">δ
<lb xml:id="line_Γ49" n="Γ49" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> εκάτει</w> <w lemma="πρότερος"><supplied reason="lost">πρ</supplied>οτ
<lb xml:id="line_Γ50" n="Γ50" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> έραι</w>, <name type="deity" key="Leukaspis"><w lemma="λεύκασπις">Λευκάσ
 <lb xml:id="line_Γ51" n="Γ51" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> πιδι</w></name>, <placeName key="Erchia"><w lemma="Ἐρχία"><expan><abbr>Ἐρχιᾶ</abbr><ex>σιν</ex></expan></w></placeName>, <name type="animal" key="sheep"><w lemma="ὄϊς">ο
<lb xml:id="line_Γ52" n="Γ52" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ἶς</w></name>, <name type="liquid"><w lemma="νηφάλιος">νηφάλιος</w></name>,
<lb xml:id="line_Γ53" n="Γ53"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> <w lemma="οὐ">οὐ</w> <name type="meal"><w lemma="φορά">φορά</w></name>, <num value="12">ΔU+10142U+10142</num>
<lb xml:id="line_Γ54" n="Γ54"/><name type="month"><w lemma="Θαργηλιών"><supplied reason="lost">Θ</supplied>αργηλιῶνος</w></name>
<lb xml:id="line_Γ55" n="Γ55"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> <w lemma="τετράς">τετράδι</w> <w lemma="">ἱστ
<lb xml:id="line_Γ56" n="Γ56" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> αμένο</w>, <name type="deity" key="Zeus"><w lemma="Ζεύς">Διί</w></name>, <w lemma="ἐν">ἐμ</w>
<lb xml:id="line_Γ57" n="Γ57"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> <name type="locality"><w lemma="πάγος">Πάγωι</w></name>, <placeName key="Erchia"><w lemma="Ἐρχία"><expan><abbr>Ἐρχιᾶ</abbr><ex>σιν</ex></expan></w></placeName>,
<lb xml:id="line_Γ58" n="Γ58"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> <name type="animal" key="sheep"><w lemma="ὄϊς">οἶς</w></name>, <num value="12">ΔU+10142U+10142</num> <space quantity="4" unit="character"/>
<lb xml:id="line_Γ59" n="Γ59"/><name type="month"><w lemma="Σκιροφοριών"><supplied reason="lost">Σ</supplied>κιροφοριῶν
<lb xml:id="line_Γ60" n="Γ60" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ος </w></name> <w lemma="τρίτος">τρίτει</w> <w lemma="">ἱσ
<lb xml:id="line_Γ61" n="Γ61" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ταμένο</w>, <name type="deity" key="Zeus"><w lemma="Ζεύς">Διὶ</w></name> <name type="epithet" key="Polieus"><w lemma="Πολιεύς">Π
<lb xml:id="line_Γ62" n="Γ62" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ολιε<supplied reason="omitted">ῖ</supplied></w></name>, <w lemma="ἐν">ἐμ</w> <name type="locality"><w lemma="πόλις">πόλε<supplied reason="omitted">ι</supplied></w></name>
<lb xml:id="line_Γ63" n="Γ63"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> <placeName key="Erchia"><w lemma="Ἐρχία">Ἐρχιᾶσι<supplied reason="omitted">ν</supplied></w></placeName>, <name type="animal" key="sheep"><w lemma="ὄϊς">οἶς</w></name>,
<lb xml:id="line_Γ64" n="Γ64"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> <w lemma="οὐ">οὐ</w> <name type="meal"><w lemma="φορά">φορά</w></name>, <num value="12">ΔU+10142U+10142</num>
<lb xml:id="line_Γ65" n="Γ65"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> <w lemma="ἕκτος">ἕκτηι</w> <w lemma="ἐπί">ἐπὶ</w> <w lemma="δέκα">δέ
<lb xml:id="line_Γ66" n="Γ66" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> κα</w> <gap reason="lost" quantity="6" unit="character"/> 
<lb/><gap reason="lost" quantity="1" unit="line"/>	
	    				<ab subtype="column" n="Δ">Column Δ
<lb xml:id="line_Δ1" n="Δ1"/><name type="month"><w lemma="Ἑκατομβαιών">Ἑκατομβαιῶν
<lb xml:id="line_Δ2" n="Δ2" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ος</w></name> <w lemma="δέκατος">δεκάτει</w> <w lemma="ὕστερος">ὑ
<lb xml:id="line_Δ3" n="Δ3" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> στέραι</w>, <name type="deity" key="Kourotrophos"><w lemma="Κουροτρόφος">Κορο
<lb xml:id="line_Δ4" n="Δ4" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> <supplied reason="lost">τρ</supplied>όφωι</w></name>, <w lemma="ἐπί">ἐπὶ</w> τ
<lb xml:id="line_Δ5" n="Δ5" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> <supplied reason="lost">ο̑</supplied> <name type="locality"><w lemma="ἄκρον">Ἄκρο</w></name> <placeName key="Erchia"><w lemma="Ἐρχία"><expan><abbr>Ἐρχιᾶ</abbr><ex>σι</ex></expan></w></placeName>,
<lb xml:id="line_Δ6" n="Δ6"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> <name type="animal" key="swine"><w lemma="χοῖρος">χοῖρος</w></name>, <w lemma="οὐ">οὐ</w> <name type="meal"><w lemma="φορά">φο
<lb xml:id="line_Δ7" n="Δ7" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ρά</w></name>, <num value="3">U+10142U+10142U+10142</num>  <space quantity="5" unit="character"/>
<lb xml:id="line_Δ8" n="Δ8"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> <name type="deity" key="Artemis"><w lemma="Ἄρτεμις">Ἀρτέμιδι</w></name>, <w lemma="ἐπί">ἐπ
<lb xml:id="line_Δ9" n="Δ9" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ὶ</w> το̑ <name type="locality"><w lemma="ἄκρον">Ἄκρο</w></name> <placeName key="Erchia"><w lemma="Ἐρχία"><expan><abbr>Ἐρχ
<lb xml:id="line_Δ10" n="Δ10" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ι</abbr><ex>ᾶσιν</ex></expan></w></placeName>, <name type="animal" key="goat"><w lemma="αἴξ">αἴξ</w></name>, <w lemma="οὐ">οὐ</w> <name type="meal"><w lemma="φορά">φορ
<lb xml:id="line_Δ11" n="Δ11" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ά</w></name>, <name type="portion"><w lemma="δέρμα">δέρμα</w></name> <name type="sacrifice"><w lemma="καταγίζω"><expan><abbr>κατα
<lb xml:id="line_Δ12" n="Δ12" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ιγίζε</abbr><ex>σθαι</ex></expan></w></name> <pc>∶</pc> <num value="10">Δ</num>  <space quantity="3" unit="character"/>
<lb xml:id="line_Δ13" n="Δ13"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> <name type="month"><w lemma="Μεταγειτνιών">Μεταγειτνιῶ
<lb xml:id="line_Δ14" n="Δ14" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> νος</w></name> <w lemma="δωδέκατος">δωδεκάτ
<lb xml:id="line_Δ15" n="Δ15" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ε<supplied reason="omitted">ι</supplied></w>, <name type="deity" key="Athena"><w lemma="Ἀθήνη">Ἀθηνᾶι</w></name> <name type="epithet" key="Polias"><w lemma="Πολιάς">Πολ
<lb xml:id="line_Δ16" n="Δ16" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ιάδι</w></name>, <w lemma="ἐν">ἐμ</w> <name type="locality"><w lemma="πόλις">πόλε<supplied reason="omitted">ι</supplied></w></name>
<lb xml:id="line_Δ17" n="Δ17"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> <w lemma="ἐν">ἐν</w> <w lemma="ἄστυ">ἄστε<supplied reason="omitted">ι</supplied></w>, <name type="animal" key="sheep"><w lemma="ὄϊς">οἶς</w></name> <pc>∶</pc> <num value="10">Δ</num>
<lb xml:id="line_Δ18" n="Δ18"/><name type="month"><w lemma="Βοηδρομιών">Βοηδρομιῶνο
<lb xml:id="line_Δ19" n="Δ19" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ς</w></name> <w lemma="πέμπτος">πέμπτει</w> <w lemma="ἵστημι"><expan><abbr>ἱσ
<lb xml:id="line_Δ20" n="Δ20" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ταμέ</abbr><ex>νο</ex></expan></w> <pc>∶</pc> <name type="deity" key="Epops"><w lemma="ἔποψ">Ἔποπι</w></name>, <placeName key="Erchia"><w lemma="Ἐρχία">Ἐ-
<lb xml:id="line_Δ21" n="Δ21"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ρχιᾶσι</w></placeName>, <name type="animal" key="swine"><w lemma="χοῖρος">χοῖρ
<lb xml:id="line_Δ22" n="Δ22" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ος</w></name>, <name type="sacrifice"><w lemma="ὁλόκαυτος">ὁλόκαυτο
<lb xml:id="line_Δ23" n="Δ23" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ς</w></name>, <name type="liquid"><w lemma="νηφάλιος"><expan><abbr>νηφάλι</abbr><ex>ος</ex></expan></w></name> <pc>∶</pc> <num value="3">U+10142U+10142U+10142</num>	    			
<lb xml:id="line_Δ24" n="Δ24"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> <w lemma="τετράς">τετράδι</w> <w lemma="φθίω">φθί
<lb xml:id="line_Δ25" n="Δ25" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> νοντος</w>, <name type="deity" key="Hermes"><w lemma="Ἑρμῆς">Ἑρμῆ
<lb xml:id="line_Δ26" n="Δ26" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ι</w></name>, <w lemma="ἐν">ἐμ</w> <name type="locality"><w lemma="πάγος">Πάγωι</w></name> <placeName key="Erchia"><w lemma="Ἐρχία"><expan><abbr>Ἐρ
<lb xml:id="line_Δ27" n="Δ27" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> χιᾶ</abbr><ex>σι</ex></expan></w></placeName> <pc>∶</pc> <name type="animal" key="sheep"><w lemma="ὄϊς">οἶς</w></name> <pc>∶</pc> <num value="12">ΔU+10142U+10142</num> <space quantity="1" unit="character"/>
<lb xml:id="line_Δ28" n="Δ28"/><name type="month"><w lemma="Γαμηλιών">Γαμηλιῶνος</w></name> <w lemma="τετράς">τ
<lb xml:id="line_Δ29" n="Δ29" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ετράδι</w> <w lemma="φθίω">φθίν
<lb xml:id="line_Δ30" n="Δ30" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> οντος</w>, <name type="deity" key="Poseidon"><w lemma="Ποσειδῶν">Ποσει
<lb xml:id="line_Δ31" n="Δ31" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> δῶνι</w></name>, <w lemma="ἐν">ἐν</w> <name type="deity" key="Hera"><w lemma="Ἥρα">Ἥρας</w></name>
<lb xml:id="line_Δ32" n="Δ32"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> <placeName key="Erchia"><w lemma="Ἐρχία"><expan><abbr>Ἐρχιᾶ</abbr><ex>σιν</ex></expan></w></placeName>, <name type="animal" key="sheep"><w lemma="ὄϊς">οἶς</w></name>, <num value="12">ΔU+10142U+10142</num>
<lb xml:id="line_Δ33" n="Δ33"/><name type="month"><w lemma="Ἐλαφηβολιών">Ἐλαφηβολιῶν
<lb xml:id="line_Δ34" n="Δ34" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ος</w></name> <w lemma="ἕκτος">ἕκτηι</w> <w lemma="ἐπί">ἐπὶ</w>
<lb xml:id="line_Δ35" n="Δ35"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> <w lemma="δέκα">δέκα</w>, <name type="deity" key="Dionysus"><w lemma="Διόνυσος">Διονύσ
<lb xml:id="line_Δ36" n="Δ36" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ωι</w></name>, <placeName key="Erchia"><w lemma="Ἐρχία"><expan><abbr>Ἐρχιᾶ</abbr><ex>σιν</ex></expan></w></placeName>, <name type="animal" key="goat"><w lemma="αἴξ">αἴξ</w></name>,
<lb xml:id="line_Δ37" n="Δ37"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> <name type="sacrifice"><w lemma="παραδόσιμος"><expan><abbr>παραδό</abbr><ex>σιμος</ex></expan></w></name> <pc>∶</pc> <name type="person"><w lemma="γυνή">γυνα
<lb xml:id="line_Δ38" n="Δ38" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> <surplus>α</surplus>ιξί</w></name>, <w lemma="οὐ">οὐ</w> <name type="meal"><w lemma="φορά">φορά</w></name>,
<lb xml:id="line_Δ39" n="Δ39"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> <name type="personnel"><w lemma="ἱέρεια">ἱερέαι</w></name> τὸ <name type="portion"><w lemma="δέρμα">δέ
<lb xml:id="line_Δ40" n="Δ40" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ρμα</w></name>, <num value="12">ΔU+10142U+10142</num>  <space quantity="1" unit="character"/>
<lb xml:id="line_Δ41" n="Δ41"/><name type="month"><w lemma="Μουνυχιών">Μονιχιῶνος</w></name> <w lemma="δέκατος">δ
<lb xml:id="line_Δ42" n="Δ42" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> εκάτει</w> <w lemma="ὕστερος">ὑστέ
<lb xml:id="line_Δ43" n="Δ43" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ραι</w>, <name type="deity" key="Tritopatres"><w lemma="Τριτοπατρῆς">Τριτοπα
<lb xml:id="line_Δ44" n="Δ44" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> τρεῦσι</w></name>, <placeName key="Erchia"><w lemma="Ἐρχία"><expan><abbr>Ἐρχι</abbr><ex>ᾶσιν</ex></expan></w></placeName>,
<lb xml:id="line_Δ45" n="Δ45"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> <name type="animal" key="sheep"><w lemma="ὄϊς">οἶς</w></name>, <name type="liquid"><w lemma="νηφάλιος">νηφάλιο
<lb xml:id="line_Δ46" n="Δ46" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ς</w></name>, <w lemma="οὐ">οὐ</w> <name type="meal"><w lemma="φορά">φορά</w></name> <pc>∶</pc> <num value="12">ΔU+10142U+10142</num> 
<lb xml:id="line_Δ47" n="Δ47"/><name type="month"><w lemma="Θαργηλιών">Θαργηλιῶνος</w></name>
<lb xml:id="line_Δ48" n="Δ48"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> <w lemma="τετράς">τετράδι</w> <w lemma="ἵστημι">ἱστ
<lb xml:id="line_Δ49" n="Δ49" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> αμένο</w>, <name type="deity" key="Anakes"><w lemma="Ἄνακες">Ἀνάκο
<lb xml:id="line_Δ50" n="Δ50" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ιν</w></name>, <placeName key="Erchia"><w lemma="Ἐρχία">Ἐρχιᾶσιν</w></placeName>,
<lb xml:id="line_Δ51" n="Δ51"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> <name type="animal" key="sheep"><w lemma="ὄϊς">οἶς</w></name>, <num value="12">ΔU+10142U+10142</num>  <space quantity="4" unit="character"/>	
<lb xml:id="line_Δ52" n="Δ52"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> <w lemma="ἔνατος">ἐνάτει</w> <w lemma="ἐπί">ἐπὶ</w> <w lemma="δέκα">δ
<lb xml:id="line_Δ53" n="Δ53" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> έκα</w>, <name type="deity" key="Menedeios"><w lemma="Μενεδεῖος">Μενεδεί
<lb xml:id="line_Δ54" n="Δ54" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ωι</w></name>, <placeName key="Erchia"><w lemma="Ἐρχία">Ἐρχιᾶσιν</w></placeName>,
<lb xml:id="line_Δ55" n="Δ55"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> <name type="animal" key="sheep"><w lemma="ὄϊς">οἶς</w></name>, <w lemma="οὐ">οὐ</w> <name type="meal"><w lemma="φορά"><expan><abbr>φορ</abbr><ex>ά</ex></expan></w></name>, <num value="12">ΔU+10142U+10142</num> 
<lb xml:id="line_Δ56" n="Δ56"/><name type="month"><w lemma="Σκιροφοριών">Σκιροφοριῶν
<lb xml:id="line_Δ57" n="Δ57" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ος</w></name> <w lemma="τρίτος">τρίτηι</w> <w lemma="ἵστημι">ἱσ
<lb xml:id="line_Δ58" n="Δ58" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ταμένο</w>, <name type="deity"><w lemma="Ποσειδῶν">Ποσε
<lb xml:id="line_Δ59" n="Δ59" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ιδῶνι</w></name>, <w lemma="ἐν">ἐμ</w> <name type="locality"><w lemma="πόλις">πόλ
 <lb xml:id="line_Δ60" n="Δ60"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ε<supplied reason="omitted">ι</supplied> </w></name> <placeName key="Erchia"><w lemma="Ἐρχία"><expan><abbr>Ἐρχι</abbr><ex>ᾶσιν</ex></expan></w></placeName> <pc>∶</pc> <name type="animal" key="sheep"><w lemma="ὄϊς">οἶς</w></name> <pc>∶</pc> <num value="12">ΔU+10142U+10142</num>
<lb xml:id="line_Δ61" n="Δ61"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> <w lemma="κεφάλαιος">κεφάλαιον</w>
<lb xml:id="line_Δ62" n="Δ62"/><space quantity="2" unit="character"/> <num value="110">ΗΔ</num> <space quantity="3" unit="character"/>

<ab subtype="column" n="E">Column Ε
<lb xml:id="line_E1" n="E1"/><name type="month"><w lemma="Μεταγειτνιών">Μεταγειτνι
<lb xml:id="line_E2" n="E2" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ῶνος</w></name> <w lemma="ἔνατος">ἐνάτε<supplied reason="omitted">ι</supplied></w>
<lb xml:id="line_E3" n="E3"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> <w lemma="ἐπί">ἐπὶ</w> <w lemma="δέκα">δέκα</w>, <name type="deity" key="Heroine"><w lemma="ἡρωίνη">Ἡρ
<lb xml:id="line_E4" n="E4" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ωΐναις</w></name>, <w lemma="ἐπί">ἐπὶ</w>
<lb xml:id="line_E5" n="E5"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> <name type="locality"><w lemma="σχοῖνος">Σχοίνωι</w></name> <placeName key="Erchia"><w lemma="Ἐρχία">Ἐρ
<lb xml:id="line_E6" n="E6" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> χιᾶσι<supplied reason="omitted">ν</supplied></w></placeName>, <name type="animal" key="sheep"><w lemma="ὄϊς">οἶς</w></name>, <w lemma="οὐ">ο
<lb xml:id="line_E7" n="E7" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ὐ</w> <name type="meal"><w lemma="φορά">φορά</w></name>, <name type="personnel"><w lemma="ἱέρεια">ἱερέ
<lb xml:id="line_E8" n="E8" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> αι</w></name> τὸ <name type="portion"><w lemma="δέρμα"><expan><abbr>δέρ</abbr><ex>μα</ex></expan></w></name> <pc>∶</pc> <num value="10">Δ</num> <space quantity="1" unit="character"/>
<lb xml:id="line_E9" n="E9"/><name type="month"><w lemma="Βοηδρομιών">Βοηδρομιῶν
<lb xml:id="line_E10" n="E10" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ος </w></name> <w lemma="πέμπτος">πέμπτηι</w>
<lb xml:id="line_E11" n="E11"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> <w lemma="ἵστημι">ἱσταμένο</w>, <placeName key="Erchia"><w lemma="Ἐρχία"><expan><abbr>Ἐ
<lb xml:id="line_E12" n="E12" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ρχι</abbr><ex>ᾶσιν</ex></expan></w></placeName> <pc>∶</pc> <name type="deity" key="Epops"><w lemma="ἔποψ">Ἔποπι</w></name>, <name type="animal" key="swine"><w lemma="χοῖρος">χ
<lb xml:id="line_E13" n="E13" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> οῖρος</w></name>, <name type="sacrifice"><w lemma="ὁλόκαυτος">ὁλόκ
<lb xml:id="line_E14" n="E14" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> αυτος</w></name>, <name type="liquid"><w lemma="νηφάλιος">νηφά
<lb xml:id="line_E15" n="E15" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> λιος</w></name>, <num value="3">U+10142U+10142U+10142</num>  <space quantity="1" unit="character"/>
<lb xml:id="line_E16" n="E16"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> <w lemma="τετράς">τετράδι</w> <w lemma="φθίω">φθ
<lb xml:id="line_E17" n="E17" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ίνοντος</w>, <name type="deity" key="Ge"><w lemma="γῆ">Γῆ
<lb xml:id="line_E18" n="E18" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ι</w></name> <w lemma="ἐν">ἐμ</w> <name type="locality"><w lemma="πάγος">Πάγωι</w></name>, <placeName key="Erchia"><w lemma="Ἐρχία">Ἐ
<lb xml:id="line_E19" n="E19" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ρχιᾶσι<supplied reason="omitted">ν</supplied></w></placeName>, <name type="animal" key="sheep"><w lemma="ὄϊς">οἶς</w></name>
<lb xml:id="line_E20" n="E20"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> <name type="quality"><name type="gender"><w lemma="κύω">κύουσα</w></name></name>, <w lemma="οὐ">οὐ</w> <name type="meal"><w lemma="φορά">φ
<lb xml:id="line_E21" n="E21" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ορά</w></name>, <num value="10">Δ</num> <space quantity="6" unit="character"/>
<lb xml:id="line_E22" n="E22"/><name type="month"><w lemma="Ποσιδηϊών">Ποσιδεῶνος</w></name>
<lb xml:id="line_E23" n="E23"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> <w lemma="ἕκτος">ἕκτηι</w> <w lemma="ἐπί">ἐπὶ</w> <w lemma="δέκα">δ
<lb xml:id="line_E24" n="E24" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> έκα</w>, <name type="deity" key="Zeus"><w lemma="Ζεύς">Διί</w></name>, <w lemma="ἐν">ἐμ</w> <name type="locality"><w lemma="πέτρα">Π
<lb xml:id="line_E25" n="E25" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> έτρηι </w></name> <placeName key="Erchia"><w lemma="Ἐρχία">Ἐρχι
<lb xml:id="line_E26" n="E26" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ᾶσιν</w></placeName>, <name type="animal" key="sheep"><w lemma="ὄϊς">οἶς</w></name>, <w lemma="οὐ">οὐ</w>
<lb xml:id="line_E27" n="E27"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> <name type="meal"><w lemma="φορά">φορά</w></name>, <num value="12">ΔU+10142U+10142</num> <space quantity="2" unit="character"/>
<lb xml:id="line_E28" n="E28"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> <name type="deity" key="Zeus"><w lemma="Ζεύς">Διὶ</w></name> <name type="epithet" key="Horios"><w lemma="ὅριος">Ὁρίωι</w></name>, <placeName key="Erchia"><w lemma="Ἐρχία">Ἐ
<lb xml:id="line_E29" n="E29" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ρχιᾶσι</w></placeName>, <name type="animal" key="swine"><w lemma="χοῖρος">χοῖ
<lb xml:id="line_E30" n="E30" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ρος</w></name>, <w lemma="οὐ">οὐ</w> <name type="meal"><w lemma="φορά"><expan><abbr>φο</abbr><ex>ρά</ex></expan></w></name> <pc>∶</pc> <num value="3">U+10142U+10142U+10142
<lb xml:id="line_E31" n="E31"/><name type="month"><w lemma="Γαμηλιών">Γαμηλιῶνος</w></name>
<lb xml:id="line_E32" n="E32"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> <w lemma="ἕβδομος">ἑβδόμηι</w> <w lemma="ἵστημι">ἱσ
<lb xml:id="line_E33" n="E33" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ταμένο</w>, <name type="deity" key="Apollo"><w lemma="Ἀπόλλων">Ἀπό
<lb xml:id="line_E34" n="E34" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> λλωνι</w></name> <name type="epithet"><w lemma="Λύκειος">Λυκε
<lb xml:id="line_E35" n="E35" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ίωι</w></name>, <placeName key="Erchia"><w lemma="Ἐρχία">Ἐρχιᾶσ
<lb xml:id="line_E36" n="E36" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ι<supplied reason="omitted">ν</supplied></w></placeName>, <name type="animal" key="sheep"><w lemma="ὄϊς">οἶς</w></name> <name type="group"><w lemma="Πυθαϊστής">Πυθαϊ
<lb xml:id="line_E37" n="E37" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> σταῖς</w></name> <name type="sacrifice"><w lemma="παραδόσιμος">παρ<supplied reason="lost">α</supplied>
<lb xml:id="line_E38" n="E38" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> δόσιμος</w></name>, <num value="12">ΔU+10142U+10142</num> <add place="above"><w lemma="οὐ">οὐ</w> <name type="meal"><w lemma="φορά"><expan><abbr>φο</abbr><ex>ρά</ex></expan></w></name></add>
<lb xml:id="line_E39" n="E39"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> <w lemma="ὄγδοος">ὀγδόη<supplied reason="omitted">ι</supplied></w> <w lemma="ἵστημι">ἱστα
<lb xml:id="line_E40" n="E40" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> μένο</w>, <name type="deity" key="Apollo"><w lemma="Ἀπόλλων">Ἀπόλλ
<lb xml:id="line_E41" n="E41" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ωνι</w></name> <name type="epithet" key="Nymphagetes"><w lemma="νυμφαγέτης">Νυμφη<supplied reason="lost">γ</supplied>
<lb xml:id="line_E42" n="E42" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> έτει</w></name>, <placeName key="Erchia"><w lemma="Ἐρχία">Ἐρχιᾶ
<lb xml:id="line_E43" n="E43" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> σιν</w></placeName>, <name type="animal" key="goat"><w lemma="αἴξ">αἴξ</w></name>, <num value="12">ΔU+10142U+10142</num>
<lb xml:id="line_E44" n="E44"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> <name type="deity" key="Nymph"><w lemma="νύμφη">Νύμφαις</w></name>, <w lemma="ἐπί">ἐπ
<lb xml:id="line_E45" n="E45" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ὶ</w> το̑ <w lemma="αὐτός">αὐτοῦ</w> <name type="structure"><w lemma="βωμός">β
<lb xml:id="line_E46" n="E46" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ωμοῦ</w></name>, <name type="animal" key="goat"><w lemma="αἴξ">αἴξ</w></name> <pc>∶</pc> <num value="10">Δ</num> <space quantity="1" unit="character"/>
<lb xml:id="line_E47" n="E47"/><name type="month"><w lemma="Θαργηλιών">Θαργηλιῶνο
<lb xml:id="line_E48" n="E48" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ς</w></name> <w lemma="τετράς">τετράδι</w> <w lemma="ἵστημι">ἱ
<lb xml:id="line_E49" n="E49" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> σταμένο</w>, <name type="deity" key="Hermes"><w lemma="Ἑρμῆς">Ἐρ
<lb xml:id="line_E50" n="E50" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> μῆι</w></name>, <w lemma="ἐν">ἐν</w> <name type="locality"><w lemma="ἀγορά">ἀγορ
<lb xml:id="line_E51" n="E51" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ᾶι</w></name> <placeName key="Erchia"><w lemma="Ἐρχία">Ἐρχιᾶσι</w></placeName>,
<lb xml:id="line_E52" n="E52"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> <name type="animal" key="sheep"><name type="gender"><w lemma="κριός">κριός</w></name></name>, <w lemma="">τού<unclear>τ</unclear>
<lb xml:id="line_E53" n="E53" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ωι</w> <name type="sacrifice"><w lemma="ἱερόω">ἱερεῶσθ
<lb xml:id="line_E54" n="E54" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> αι</w></name> τὸν <name type="personnel"><w lemma="κῆρυξ">κήρυ
<lb xml:id="line_E55" n="E55" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> κα</w></name> καὶ τὰ <name type="portion"><w lemma="γέρας">γέ
<lb xml:id="line_E56" n="E56" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ρα</w></name> <name type="portion"><w lemma="λαμβάνω">λαμβάνε
<lb xml:id="line_E57" n="E57" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ν</w></name> <w lemma="καθάπερ">καθάπερ</w> ὁ
<lb xml:id="line_E58" n="E58"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> <name type="personnel"><w lemma="δήμαρχος">δήμαρχος</w></name>, <num value="10">Δ</num>
<lb xml:id="line_E59" n="E59"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> <w lemma="ἕκτος">ἕκτηι</w> <w lemma="ἐπί">ἐπὶ</w> <w lemma="δέκα">δ
<lb xml:id="line_E60" n="E60" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> έκα</w>, <name type="deity" key="Zeus"><w lemma="Ζεύς">Διὶ</w></name> <name type="epithet" key="Epakrios"><w lemma="ἐπάκριος">Ἐπ<supplied reason="lost">α</supplied>
<lb xml:id="line_E61" n="E61" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> κρίωι</w></name>, <w lemma="ἐν">ἐν</w> <placeName key="Hymettos"><w lemma="Ὑμήττος">Ὑμ
<lb xml:id="line_E62" n="E62" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ηττῶι</w></placeName>, <name type="animal" key="sheep"><w lemma="ἀρήν">ἀρ<supplied reason="lost">ήν</supplied></w></name>,
<lb xml:id="line_E63" n="E63"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> <name type="liquid"><w lemma="νηφάλιος">νηφάλι<supplied reason="lost">ος</supplied></w></name><supplied reason="lost">,</supplied> <w lemma="οὐ"><supplied reason="lost">ο</supplied>
<lb xml:id="line_E64" n="E64" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> ὐ</w> <name type="meal"><w lemma="φορά">φορά</w></name>, <supplied reason="lost"><num value="7">U+10143U+10142U+10142</num></supplied>. <supplied reason="lost"><space quantity="1" unit="character"/></supplied>
<lb xml:id="line_E65" n="E65"/><name type="month"><w lemma="Σκιροφοριών">Σκιροφ<supplied reason="lost">οριῶ</supplied>
<lb xml:id="line_E66" n="E66" break="no"/><space quantity="1" unit="character"/> νος</w></name> <gap reason="lost" quantity="6" unit="character"/>
<lb/><gap reason="lost" quantity="1" unit="line"/>				
	    			<div type="translation" xml:lang="eng">
<p>Gods. The Greater Demarchy.</p> 

<p>Column Α</p> 
<p>In Metageitnion: on the 12th, to Apollo Lykeios, in the town, (5) a wether, no take-away, 12 drachmae; on the 20th: to Hera Thelchinia, on the Hill at Erchia, a female lamb, (10) all-black, no take-away, 7 dr.</p>  
<p>In Boedromion: on the 27th, to the Nymphs, (15) on the Hill at Erchia, a ewe, 10 dr.</p>
<p>In Pyanopsion: on the 14th, to the Heroines, at the (20) Hollow (?) in Erchia, a ewe, no take-away, the skin for the priestess, 10 dr.</p>
<p>In Gamelion: on the 7th, (25) to Kourotrophos, in the Delphinion at Erchia, a piglet, 3 dr.; to Apollo Delphinios, at Erchia, (30) a wether, 12 dr.; on the 8th: to Apollo Apotropaios, at Erchia, on the frontier towards (35) the Paianians, a wether goat, 12 dr.</p>
<p>In Anthesterion, during the Diasia, in the town, in Agrai, (40) to Zeus Meilichios, a wether, wineless libation until the viscera, 12 dr.</p>
<p>In Elaphebolion: (45) on the 16th, to Semele, on the same altar, a she-goat handed over to the women, (50) the skin belongs to the priestess, no take-away, 10 dr.</p>
<p>In Thargelion: on the 4th, to Leto, in the sanctuary of (55)  Pythios at Erchia, a she-goat, 10 dr.</p>
<p>In Skirophorion: on the 3rd, to Kourotrophos, (60) on the acropolis at Erchia, a piglet, 3 dr.; to Athena Polias, on the acropolis at Erchia, a ewe as substitute (65) for a cow, 10 dr.</p>
<p>Total: [111 dr.]</p>
<p>Column Β</p>
<p>In Metageitnion: on the 12th, in the City Eleusinion, to Demeter, (5) a ewe, 10 dr.; on the 16th: to Kourotrophos, in the (sanctuary) of Hekate at Erchia, a (10) piglet, 3 dr.; to Artemis Hekate, at Erchia, [a she-goat], 10 dr.</p>
<p>In Boedromion: (15) on the 4th, to Basile, at Erchia, a white female lamb, to be burned whole, wineless (20) offering, 7 dr.; on the 27th: to Acheloos, on the Hill at Erchia, (25) a wether, 12 dr.</p>
<p>In Gamelion: on the 9th, during the Herosouria, on the acropolis (30) at Erchia, to Athena, a female lamb, 7 dr.; on the 27th: to Kourotrophos, in the sanctuary of (35) Hera at Erchia, a piglet, 3 dr.; to Hera, at Erchia, a ewe, the skin goes to the priestess, 10 dr.</p>
<p>(40) In Mounychion: on the 4th, to the Herakleidai, a wether, at Erchia, 12 dr., no take-away.</p>
<p>(45) In Thargelion: on the 4th, to Apollo Pythios, at Erchia, a wether goat to be (50) handed over to the Pythaistai, 12 dr.; to Apollo Paion, on the Hill at Erchia, a wether, 12 dr.</p>
<p>(55) In Skirophorion: on the 3rd, to Aglauros, on the acropolis at Erchia, a ewe, 10 dr., no take-away.</p>
<p>Total: 108 dr.</p>
<p>Column Γ</p>
<p>In Hekatombaion: on the 21st, to Kourotrophos, in the (sanctuary of?) the (5) Sotidai at Erchia, a piglet, no take-away, 3 dr.; to Artemis, in the (sanctuary of?) the Sotidai at (10) Erchia, a she-goat, no take-away, the skin is burned, 10 dr.</p>
<p>In Metageitnion: on the 12th, (15) to Zeus Polieus, on the acropolis in the town, a wether, no take-away, 12 dr.; on the 25th, (20) to Zeus Epopetes, on the Hill at Erchia, a piglet, burned whole, wineless offering, (25) 3 dr.</p>	    				
<p>In Boedromion: on the 27th, to Alochos, on the Hill (30) at Erchia, a ewe, 10 dr.</p>
<p>In Gamelion: on the 8th, to Apollo Apotropaios, (35) at Erchia, a wether goat handed over to the Pythaistai, 12 dr.; on the 27th: to Zeus Teleios, in the sanctuary of (40) Hera at Erchia, a wether, 12 dr.</p>
<p>In Anthesterion: on the 2nd, (45) to Dionysus, at Erchia, a kid budding (?), 5 dr.</p>
<p>In Mounychion: on the 20th, (50) to Leukaspis, at Erchia, a wether, wineless offering, no take-away, 12 dr.</p>
<p>In Thargelion: on the 4th, (55) to Zeus, on the Hill at Erchia, a wether, 12 dr.</p>
<p>In Skirophorion: (60) on the 3rd, to Zeus Polieus, on the acropolis at Erchia, a wether, no take-away, 12 dr.; (65) on the 16th: [...]</p>
<p>Column Δ</p>
<p>In Hekatombaion: on the 21st, to Kourotrophos, on the (5) Akros at Erchia, a piglet, no take-away, 3 dr.; to Artemis, on the Akros at (10) Erchia, a she-goat, no take-away, the skin is burned, 10 dr.</p>
<p>In Metageitnion: on the 12th, (15) to Athena Polias, on the acropolis in the town, a ewe, 10 dr.</p>
<p>In Boedromion: on the 5th, (20) to Epops, at Erchia, a piglet, burned whole, wineless offering, 3 dr.; on the 27th: (25) to Hermes, on the Hill at Erchia, a wether, 12 dr.</p>
<p>In Gamelion: on the 27th, (30) to Poseidon, in the sanctuary of Hera at Erchia, a wether, 12 dr.</p>
<p>In Elaphebolion: on the 16th, (35) to Dionysus, at Erchia, a wether goat handed over to the women, no take-away, the skin is given to the priestess, (40) 12 dr.</p>
<p>In Mounychion: on the 21st, to the Tritopatres, at Erchia, (45) a wether, wineless offering, no take-away, 12 dr.</p>
<p>In Thargelion: on the 4th, to the two Anakes, (50) at Erchia, a wether, 12 dr.; on the 19th, to Menedeios, at Erchia, (55) a wether, no take-away, 12 dr.</p>
<p>In Skirophorion: on the 3rd, to Poseidon, on the acropolis (60) at Erchia, a wether, 12 dr.</p>
<p>Total: 110 dr.</p>

<p>Column Ε</p>
<p>In Metageitnion: on the 19th, to the Heroines, at (5) Schoinos in Erchia, a ewe, no take-away, the skin is given to the priestess, 10 dr.</p>
<p>In Boedromion: (10) on the 5th, to Epops, at Erchia, a piglet, burned whole, wineless offering, (15) 3 dr.; on the 27th: to Ge, on the Hill at Erchia, (20) a pregnant ewe, no take-away, 10 dr.</p>
<p>In Posideon: on the 16th, to Zeus, on the Rock at Erchia, (25) a wether, no take-away, 12 dr.; to Zeus Horios, at Erchia, a piglet, (30) no take-away, 3 dr.</p>
<p>In Gamelion: on the 7th, to Apollo Lykeios, (35) at Erchia, a wether handed over to the Pythaistai, 12 dr., no take-away; on the 8th: (40) to Apollo Nymphagetes, at Erchia, a wether goat, 12 dr.; to the Nymphs, at (45) the same altar, a she-goat, 10 dr. </p> 
<p>In Thargelion: on the 4th, to Hermes, in the agora (50) at Erchia, a ram, the herald performs this sacrifice (55) and receives perquisites like the demarch would, 10 dr.; on the 16th, (60) to Zeus Epakrios, on Mount Hymettos, a male lamb, wineless offering, no take-away, [7 dr.]</p>
<p>(65) In Skirophorion: [...]</p>    				
				<div type="translation" xml:lang="fre">
<p>Dieux. La grande démarchie.</p> 
<p>Colonne Α</p> 
<p> En Metageitnion : le 12, pour Apollon Lykeios, en ville, (5), un mouton mâle, ne pas emporter, 12 drachmes; le 20, pour Héra Thelchinia, sur la Colline à Erchia, une agnelle (10) toute noire, ne pas emporter, 7 dr.</p>  
<p>En Boedromion : le 27, pour les Nymphes, (15) sur la Colline à Erchia, une brebis, 10 dr.</p>
<p>En Pyanopsion : le 14, pour les Héroïnes, au (20) Vallon (?)  à Erchia, une brebis, ne pas emporter, la peau pour la prêtresse, 10 dr.</p>
<p>En Gamelion : le 7, (25) pour Kourotrophos, dans le Delphinion à Erchia, un porcelet, 3 dr.; pour Apollon Delphinios, à Erchia, (30) un mouton mâle, 12 dr.; le 8, pour Apollon Apotropaios, à Erchia, du côté de (35) Paiania, un caprin mâle, 12 dr.</p>
<p>En Anthesterion, pendant les Diasia, en ville, à Agrai, (40) pour Zeus Meilichios, un mouton mâle, offrande sans vin jusqu'aux viscères, 12 dr.</p>
<p>En Elaphebolion : le 16, pour Sémélè, sur le même autel, une chèvre à remettre aux femmes, (50) la peau revient à la prêtresse, ne pas emporter, 10 dr.</p>
<p>En Thargelion : le 4, pour Léto, dans le sanctuaire du (55) Pythios à Erchia, une chèvre, 10 dr. </p>
<p>En Skirophorion : le 3, pour Kourotrophos, (60) sur l'acropole à Erchia, un porcelet, 3 dr.; pour Athéna Polias, sur l'acropole à Erchia, une brebis « à la place (65) d'une vache », 10 dr.</p>
<p>Total : [111 dr.]</p>
<p>Colonne Β</p>
<p>En Metageitnion : le 12, dans l'Eleusinion urbain, pour Déméter, (5) une brebis, 10 dr.; le 16, pour Kourotrophos, dans (le sanctuaire d') Hécate à Erchia, un (10) porcelet, 3 dr.; pour Artémis Hécate, à Erchia, [une chèvre], 10 dr.</p>
<p>En Boedromion : (15) le 4, pour Basilè, à Erchia, une agnelle blanche, à brûler entièrement, offrande (20) sans vin, 7 dr.; le 27, pour Acheloos, sur la Colline à Erchia, (25) un mouton mâle, 12 dr.</p>
<p>En Gamelion : le 9, pendant les Herosouria, sur l'acropole (30) à Erchia, pour Athéna, une agnelle, 7 dr.; le 27, pour Kourotrophos, dans (le sanctuaire d')Héra (35) à Erchia, un porcelet, 3 dr.; pour Héra, à Erchia, une brebis, la peau revient à la prêtresse, 10 dr. </p>
<p>(40) En Mounychion : le 4, pour les Héraclides, un mouton mâle, à Erchia, 12 dr., ne pas emporter.</p>
<p>(45) En Thargelion : le 4, pour Apollon Pythios, à Erchia, un caprin mâle à (50) à remettre aux Pythaïstes, 12 dr.; pour Apollon Paion, sur la Colline à Erchia, un mouton mâle, 12 dr.</p>
<p>(55) En Skirophorion : le 3, pour Aglauros, sur l'acropole à Erchia, une brebis, ne pas emporter, 10 dr.</p>
<p>Total : 108 dr.</p>
<p>Colonne Γ</p>
<p> En Hekatombaion : le 21, pour Kourotrophos, dans (le sanctuaire ?) des (5) Sotidai à Erchia, un porcelet, ne pas emporter, 3 dr.; pour Artémis, dans (le sanctuaire ?) des Sotidai à (10) Erchia, une chèvre, ne pas emporter, la peau est consumée, 10 dr.</p>
<p>En Metageitnion : le 12, (15) pour Zeus Polieus, sur l'acropole en ville, un mouton mâle, ne pas emporter, 12 dr.; le 25, (20) pour Zeus Epopetès, sur la Colline à Erchia, un porcelet, à brûler entièrement, offrande sans vin, (25) 3 dr.</p>	    				
<p>En Boedromion : le 27, pour Alochos, sur la Colline (30) à Erchia, une brebis, 10 dr.</p>
<p>En Gamelion : le 8, pour Apollon Apotropaios, (35) à Erchia, un caprin mâle à remettre aux Pythaïstes, 12 dr.; le 27, pour Zeus Teleios, dans (le sanctuaire d') (40) Héra à Erchia, un mouton mâle, 12 dr.</p>
<p>En Anthesterion : le 2, (45) pour Dionysos, à Erchia, un chevreau aux cornes qui pointent (?), 5 dr.</p>
<p>En Mounychion : le 20, (50) pour Leukaspis, à Erchia, un mouton mâle, offrande sans vin, ne pas emporter, 12 dr.</p>
<p>En Thargelion : le 4, (55) pour Zeus, sur la Colline à Erchia, un mouton mâle, 12 dr.</p>
<p>En Skirophorion : (60) le 3, pour Zeus Polieus, sur l'acropole à Erchia, un mouton mâle, ne pas emporter, 12 dr.; (65) le 16 [...]</p>
<p>Colonne Δ</p>
<p>En Hekatombaion : le 21, pour Kourotrophos, sur (5) l'Akros à Erchia, un porcelet, ne pas emporter, 3 dr.; pour Artémis, sur l'Akros à (10) Erchia, une chèvre, ne pas emporter, la peau est consumée, 10 dr.</p>
<p>En Metageitnion : le 12, (15) pour Athéna Polias, sur l'acropole en ville, une brebis, 10 dr.</p>
<p>En Boedromion : le 5, (20) pour Epops, à Erchia, un porcelet, à brûler entièrement, offrande sans vin, 3 dr.; le 27, (25) pour Hermès, sur la Colline à Erchia, un mouton mâle, 12 dr.</p>
<p>En Gamelion : le 27, (30) pour Poseidon, dans (le sanctuaire d')Héra à Erchia, un mouton mâle, 12 dr.</p>
<p>En Elaphebolion : le 16, (35) pour Dionysos, à Erchia, un caprin mâle à remettre aux femmes, ne pas emporter, la peau revient à la prêtresse, (40) 12 dr.</p>
<p>En Mounychion : le 21, pour les Tritopatres, à Erchia, (45) un mouton mâle, offrande sans vin, ne pas emporter, 12 dr.</p>
<p>En Thargelion : le 4, pour les Anakes, (50) à Erchia, un mouton mâle, 12 dr.; le 19, pour Menedeios, à Erchia, (55) un mouton mâle, ne pas emporter, 12 dr.</p>
<p>En Skirophorion : le 3, pour Poséidon, sur l'acropole (60) à Erchia, un mouton mâle, 12 dr.</p>
<p>Total : 110 dr.</p>
<p>Colonne Ε</p>
<p>En Metageitnion : le 19, pour les Héroïnes, à (5) Schoinos à Erchia, une brebis, ne pas emporter, la peau revient à la prêtresse, 10 dr.</p>
<p>En Boedromion : (10) le 5, pour Epops, à Erchia, un porcelet, à brûler entièrement, offrande sans vin, (15) 3 dr.; le 27, pour Gè, sur la Colline à Erchia, (20) une brebis pleine, ne pas emporter, 10 dr.</p>
<p>En Posideon : le 16, pour Zeus, sur le Rocher à Erchia, (25) un mouton mâle, ne pas emporter, 12 dr.; pour Zeus Horios, à Erchia, un porcelet, (30) ne pas emporter, 3 dr.</p>
<p>En Gamelion : le 7, pour Apollo Lykeios, (35) à Erchia, un mouton mâle à remettre aux Pythaïstes, 12 dr., ne pas emporter; le 8, (40) pour Apollo Nymphagète, à Erchia, un caprin mâle, 12 dr.; pour les Nymphes, sur (45) le même autel, une chèvre, 10 dr. </p> 
<p>En Thargelion : le 4, pour Hermès, sur l'agora (50) à Erchia, un bélier, le héraut accomplit le sacrifice (55) et reçoit la part d'honneur juste comme le démarque, 10 dr.; le 16, (60) pour Zeus Epakrios, sur l'Hymette, un agneau, offrande sans vin, ne pas emporter, [7 dr.]</p>
<p>(65) En Skirophorion : [...]</p>
					<div type="commentary">    
<p>This publication of the deme calendar has been devised essentially as a financial document. The price of offerings is carefully tabulated in order to facilitate accounting. A series of columns, five in total—clearly numbered and prefixed by the Greek letter Α-Ε—has been conceived in order to make the expenditure for the whole annual cycle of sacrifices divisible by that number. That is, each individual column treats the whole year chronologically, but when multiple significant sacrifices occur on the same day in the year, such sacrifices are occasionally divided over the five columns. The resulting sum per column is ca. 110 drachmae (col. Α = 111 dr.; Β = 108 dr.; Γ = 103 dr., with probably one sacrifice missing; Δ = 110 dr.; Ε has a lower total of 89 dr. but is missing the whole of the month of Skirophorion). The general total is uncertain, but would probably have been around 550 dr. To understand the ritual requirements on a particular day, one would thus have to consult all five columns. It may justifiably be presumed, then, that the primary objective of this method of dividing into five columns with more or less equal amounts was to make the sums manageable and payable by a body of deme officials (perhaps those holding the rank of δημαρχία, see below). In addition, the prices of animals offered are standardised: adult sheep and goats of 12 dr. (the most expensive offering in this calendar) are typically (but not exclusively) offered to male gods, while the same animals costing 10 dr. are usually (but not exclusively) offered to goddesses; we may thus infer that an ὄϊς and an αἴξ costing 12 dr. refer to a wether and a wether goat, while female incarnations of these animals appear to only cost 10 dr. The only case in the calendar where the sex of adult sheep or goat is explicitly mentioned appears in column Ε, where a κριός, a ram, is sacrificed to Hermes on the 4th of Thargelion; i.e. this was an uncastrated male sheep, by comparison with all the others in the calendar who were not ἔνορχοι. Other prices occasionally feature in the calendar: 7 dr. is the price for lambs (their sex is evident from the grammatical form); a kid (young male goat) occurs only once and is worth 5 dr.; least expensive are the piglets, 3 dr., whose gender can less certainly be determined. On the whole, the offerings are modest and the total amount at play equally so.</p>
<p>All of this is not to say that the inscription did not retain its primary function as a calendar. Though the stele is quite small and the letters minute, various reading tools (see also above on the layout) have been provided to ensure that it could be adequately and chronologically consulted. Each date is easily identifiable, occurring at the beginning of a given line (and thus never segmented as some of the other words in the columns can be). Ritual accuracy and the integrity of the document remained a primordial concern: cf. e.g. the added corrections in lines Β44, 59, and Ε38; all are concerned with a prohibition against take-away portions. For such prohibitions, see here <ref target="CGRN_13">CGRN 13</ref> (Selinous), Face A, line 20, and <ref target="">CGRN 32</ref> (Thorikos), with Commentary on lines 10-12.</p>
<p>Though the calendar is more or less completely extant (one sacrifice is missing in Column Γ and the whole of the last month, Skirophorion is missing in Column Ε) and provides a wealth of information concerning the practices of the deme. Further helpful information concerning Erchia and its rites has yet to be found, and it remains unclear what the header of the whole inscription, "The Greater Demarchy" (line 2), really means. Daux suggested that this was a sort of title: “liste principale des sacrifices à célébrer sous l’autorité de la Démarchie”. Humphreys, more suitably, opts to imagine a group of five annual magistrates appointed with executive and liturgical powers. Note indeed lines Ε48-59 of the calendar, where the herald is to obtain γέρα "just as the demarch does", thus implying that the demarch normally received perquisites, which implicitly confirms the expected role of this official as a sacrificial agent. Other indications of such an important role for the demarch are the only occasional mentions of other priestly personnel. For deme calendars in Attica, their focus on accounting, and the role of deme officials such as demarchs within them, see here <ref target="">CGRN 32</ref> (Thorikos) and <ref target="">CGRN 56</ref> (Marathonian Tetrapolis); cp. also <ref target="">CGRN 57</ref> (Aixone).</p> 
<p>On the whole, the calendar reveals how certain rites at Erchia closely matched those taking place in the city (ἐν ἄστε(ι), cf. Δ17) of Athens, usually on the Acropolis itself (ἐμ πόλε(ι)—often without further qualification), and at the same time; in fact, some are especially said to occur in specific places at Erchia during major festivals, for instance on its own acropolis (ἐμ πόλε(ι) Ἐρχιᾶσι vel sim.); see Commentary below for a discussion of many instances. Yet the picture is very much that of small community, whose annual sacrificial budget was not very big (about 550 dr.), and which does not sacrifice at all during the cold winter month, roughly the period of November to January: the month Maimakterion is not mentioned and its successor Poseideon only once (lines Ε22-30). The small scale is also perceptible in the fact no oxen are sacrificed and on one occasion a substitute for an expected ox is even envisaged (οἶς ἀν|[τ]ίβους, lines Α64-65). Other rites took place in a variety of locations across the deme, not all of them have been conclusively identified (e.g. the frequently occurring sacrifices ἐμ Πάγωι Ἐρχιᾶσιν, perhaps a nearby hill?).</p>
<p>Additionally, a few features of the calendar are worth noting. First, the goddess Kourotrophos often receives sacrifices of piglets in the sanctuary of other goddesses, presumably as preliminary offerings for larger sacrifices, see Pirenne-Delforge 2004; second, wineless offerings are occasionally mentioned, see Pirenne-Delforge 2011. Beyond these few general remarks, we opt here to discuss the text in its cross-referenced chronology and simultaneity, i.e. date by date, all the while indicating the relevant lines in each of the columns—rather than discussing each column item by item.</p>
<p>Lines Γ1-12 + Δ1-12 (Hekatombaion 21): As Mikalson notes, the occasion is unknown outside of Erchia and appears to be a small sacrifice specific to the deme. Two sets of sacrifices are performed, each consisting of a preliminary sacrifice for Kourotrophos and then a main sacrifice to Artemis respectively: one in a place, perhaps a sanctuary, said to be of the Sotidai at Erchia; the other on the hill or promontory called Akros at Erchia (this was apparently a different place from the location called ἐμ πόλει Ἐρχιᾶσι, which ought to refer to the acropolis of the deme proper). The group of the Sotidai is unknown and may have been a phratry or another local association. In both sacrifices to Artemis, the skin is not offered as a perquisite (cp. e.g. lines Ε1-8, and as is highly common elsewhere) but rather burned, καταγίζεσθαι; for this ritual, cp. here <ref target="CGRN_13">CGRN 13</ref> (Selinous), Face A, line 12.</p>					
<p>Lines Α1-5 + Β1-6 + Γ13-18 + Δ13-17 (Metageitnion 12): This appears to be an important date, since four simultaneous sacrifices are specified in four different columns. As Mikalson notes, since the sacrifice to Apollo Lykeios in column Α occurs in the city, that to Demeter in column Β at Eleusis and those to Zeus Polieus and Athena Polias in columns Γ and Δ on the Acropolis (in Athens), this might suggest that the reference is to a state festival; however, the occasion is otherwise unknown in Attica. A connection with preliminary rites for the Eleusinia might tentatively be suggested (on which see Mikalson, p. 46, though the date of this festival is controversial) or, perhaps more likely, with a state festival which may fall on the same date (though that remains uncertain), at <ref target="CGRN_45">CGRN 45</ref>, Face A, fr. 2.</p>

<p>Lines Β7-13 (Metageitnion 16): The sacrifice to Kourotrophos and Artemis Hekate in the sanctuary of that goddess is otherwise unattested and the occasion occurs only here in the calendar. The sanctuary was at Erchia and thus the sacrifice may be presumed to be strictly local. For Artemis Hekate at Athens, cf. <bibl type="abbr" n="IG I³">IG I³</bibl> 383 (429/8 BC, there associated with Hermes); the goddess was invoked in connection with parturition in Aesch. <title>Suppl.</title> 676-677, more usually the domain of Ilithyia; on the connection of Artemis with childbirth, cf. also Eur. <title>Hipp.</title> 166-169; Hekate sometimes received the epithet <foreign>kourotrophos</foreign>. </p>
<p>Lines Ε1-8 (Metageitnion 19): A sacrifice to Heroines at a place called Schoinos ("the place of  the reeds/rushes") in Erchia is mentioned here. The occasion is to be related with the sacrifice on the 20th of Metageitnion (below) but at any rate it appears to be local. </p>
<p>Lines Α6-13 (Metageitnion 20): At Erchia itself, we find here a specific and presumably local sacrifice to Hera Thelchinia ("who charms"). The epithet is rare, but Hsch. s.v. preserves a mention of the goddess in Athens and she is attested by a 4th-century-BC boundary from Velia, cf. <bibl type="abbr" n="SEG">SEG</bibl> 26, 1211 (see Pirenne-Delforge - Pironti, p. 192-194, 232-233). The colour of the lamb to be offered to the goddess is specified as being "all-black", presumably a term employed to make sure that the animal did not even have a single spot or lighter tone. This stringent requirement is not attested elsewhere in the present Collection, where we find more flexibly defined "dark" animals, cf. <ref target="CGRN_32">CGRN 32</ref> (Thorikos), lines 33-34 and 45-46, "dark or tawny" goats for Dionysus. It is striking that the animal is given in the accusative here, whereas all the other offerings are presented in the nominative, and that a form of ἀρήν is used, whereas all the other female lambs are designated by the term ἀμνή.</p>
<p>Lines Γ19-25 (Metageitnion 25): The occasion is otherwise unknown, but featured the holocaust of a piglet to Zeus Epopetes ("who watches over") at Erchia. The god is also attested in Attica by a small altar of Zeus Epopetes Nephalios, confirming that the god was expected to receive wineless offerings, cf. Papazarkadas. For the similar Zeus ᾿Επόπτης and ᾿Επόψιος, cf. Hsch. s.v. for the idea of Zeus "watching over", cp. more generally A. <title>Supp.</title> 402 and E. <title>Hipp.</title> 1363. In Greek literature, the notion that gods (should) watch over humans often implies that they also (should) act in consequence: the verb ὁράω is sometimes used in questions to gods ("do you see this?") or in admonitions ("look at this!"), both with an illocutionary force ("do something about it"). On holocausts, see Ekroth.</p>
<p>Lines Β14-20 (Boedromion 4): A holocaust of a white female lamb for Basile is prescribed on this day. The goddess was associated with Kodros and Neleus in a sanctuary on the southeast slope of the Acropolis, cf. <bibl type="abbr" n="IG I³">IG I³</bibl> 84 (418/7 BC); of her local worship at Erchia, little is known. For white animals, see here: <ref target="CGRN_6">CGRN 6</ref>, lines 6-7 (a pregnant white female sheep to Hera Antheia at Miletos, mated by an also white ram) and <ref target="CGRN_14">CGRN 14</ref>, lines 2-3 (a white female sheep, probably for Hera at Gortyn). Given the association with Hera, a goddess occasionally known as Basileia (cf. Pirenne-Delforge - Pironti, chapter 2) the offering may seem particularly suitable for divine figure known as "Queen".</p>
<p>Lines Δ18-23 + Ε9-15 (Boedromion 5): This date is known as the civic festival of the Genesia, held in honour of dead parents, in Athens: see Mikalson, p. 49-50; Parker, p. 27-28. It would seem that ancestral heroes may have been worshipped in the context of this festival. Here, at Erchia this was the figure of Epops ("Overlooker", cp. Zeus Epopetes above, lines Γ19-25), while the same festival at Athens, not mentioned here, probably focused on Erechtheus, see the sacrificial calendar of Athens, <ref target="CGRN_45">CGRN 45</ref>, Face A, fr. 1, col. 3. The two entries preserved in the calendar of Erchia are intriguing and potentially problematic, because they are virtually identical: both attest to the wineless holocaust of a piglet in the sanctuary of the god at Erchia itself. Either two piglets were offered simultaneously (but accounted for differently and perhaps sacrificed by different magistrates) or perhaps—though less likely—an error has crept into the calendar (viz. one sacrifice may then have taken place in Athens and the other one in Erchia).</p>
<p>Lines Α12-16 + Β21-25 + Γ26-30 + Δ24-27 + Ε16-21 (Boedromion 27): Mentions of this sacrificial occasion are spread over all five columns of the calendar. Regrettably, nothing else is known about it, but it must clearly have been an important local festival. Intriguingly, sacrifices to Athena and Zeus are known to have taken place at Teithras on this day: <ref target="CGRN_55">CGRN 55</ref>, Face A, lines 7-12. This might suggest that we are dealing with a festival belonging to several Attic demes, though the gods honoured at Erchia (all on the Pagos) are of a different sort: the Nymphs, Acheloos, Alochos, Hermes, and Ge. Note, however, that Ge may fit particularly well with the Proerosia, which was celebrated in other demes around this time (the Autumn; the other gods also have a strong connection with the natural world, though admittedly less so with agriculture). For the Nymphs and Acheloos, <ref target="CGRN_26">CGRN 26</ref> (Athens), Face 1, line 19. The name Alochos ("Unbedded") could be used of the virginal Artemis, cf. Pl. <title>Tht.</title> 149b, but it could also mean the "Wife" (cf. Pirenne-Delforge - Pironti, p. 191, n. 451). For the sacrifice of pregnant animals to Ge and other goddesses, especially Demeter, see here for example <ref target="">CGRN 32</ref> (Thorikos, notably in connection with the Chloia and the Antheia), lines 38-39 and 43-44, <ref target="CGRN_156">CGRN 156</ref> (Mykonos), lines 11-12, and <ref target="">CGRN 222</ref> (Andania), lines 33 and 68; for further discussion, see Georgoudi and Bremmer.</p>
<p>Lines Α17-22 (Pyanopsion 14): Little is known about this specific rite, an apparently small sacrifice to the Heroines which takes place at Aulon in Erchia; according to Takeuchi's reading this should be literally a place meaning a "hollow" or a "glen" (not πυλών, as the earlier reading had it, implying a gate).</p>
<p>Lines Ε22-30 (Posideon 16): There is no other evidence for this sacrifice to Zeus at Erchia, but it appears to have involved at least two different manifestations: one at Petre (i.e. a rock) in Erchia, another to Zeus Horios, presumably in his local sanctuary. On Zeus Horios ("of the boundary"), see generally Pl. <title>Leg.</title> 8.842e-843a; for the Attic demes, cf. the sacrifice of a wether to this god in Skirophorion at <ref target="CGRN_56">CGRN 56</ref> (Marathonian Tetrapolis), col. I, line 11, and see <bibl type="abbr" n="I.Eleusis">I.Eleusis</bibl> 300 for a priest of the god (with Athena Horia) at Eleusis; differently, cp. also the elaborate sacrifice to Zeus Horios in the calendar of Phyxa on the 20th of Artamitios (Spring), <ref target="CGRN_146">CGRN 146</ref>, lines 13-14. Mikalson (p. 73-74) collects evidence for meetings of the <foreign>ekklesia</foreign> on this day, which likely precludes a state festival (since political activities were normally suspended on state festival days).</p>
<p>Lines Α23-36 +  Γ31-37 + Ε31-46  (Gamelion 7-8): Though it is not completely certain, it may be hypothesised that these two days go together, apparently forming a local festival of Apollo at Erchia, perhaps a version of the Pythia. The 7th day of the month was of course widely reckoned to be a special day for Apollo: see <ref target="CGRN_6">CGRN 6</ref> (Miletos), Commentary at lines 12-13, and Mikalson, p. 19. Two principal sacrifices take place on the seventh: one to Apollo Delphinios in his sanctuary at Erchia, preceded by a preliminary offering to Kourotrophos (Α23-30); another, to Apollo Lykeios, presumably in the sanctuary of that god at Erchia (Ε31-38). The offering in the latter case is παρ[α]δόσιμος to the Pythaistai: this presumably means that the animal, in this case a wether, could be ‘handed over’ for the performance of the sacrificial ritual by the cultic group in question; they (rather than a priest or a deme official) would thus have full responsibility and privileges for the rite (a wether goat on the 4th of Thargelion is to be "handed over" to the Pythaistai as well; cp. also two offerings on the 16th of Elaphebolion, which are to be "handed over" to women; see Commentary below ad loc.). Are the Pythaistai here a local cult group at Erchia or part of the official Athenian delegation for the Delphic Pythia? The former would seem more likely, though we cannot be sure. For Delphinia sanctuaries in the Attic demes, cp. here <ref target="CGRN_32">CGRN 32</ref> (Thorikos), lines 6, 11, 63-64. As mentioned, it is attractive to relate the events of the 7th with those of the 8th, which also include sacrifices to Apollo: to Apollo Apotropaios at the boundaries of the deme towards Paiania (Α31-36) ; another to Apollo Apotropaios at Erchia itself, again involving the agency of the Pythaistai (Γ31-37); and finally one to Apollo Nymphagetes (and the Nymphs on the same altar), again at Erchia (Ε39-46). For Apollo Apotropaios ("Averter"), cf. here <ref target="CGRN_99">CGRN 99</ref> (Cyrene), line 6, where rites to the god are similarly directed "outside the gates": a near-parallel for the boundaries with Paiania in this case. It is also intriguing that the rites to Apollo Apotropaios seem to preface (and thus perhaps to be related with) the festival of the Herosouria (see immediately below). For the Nymphs, and especially Apollo Nymphagetes in his capacity as "leader of the Nymphs", cp. here <ref target="CGRN_17">CGRN 17</ref> (Thasos) as well as <ref target="">CGRN 56</ref> (Marathonian Tetrapolis), col. I, line 45.</p> 
<p>Lines Β26-31 (Gamelion 9): This entry contains one of the only festivals explicitly named in the calendar: the Erosouria or Herosouria. It is unclear if this occasion was in some way announced or prefigured by the celebrations for Apollo on 7-8 Gamelion (see above). At any rate, the occasion involved the sacrifice of a female lamb to Athena on the acropolis at Erchia (apparently a different general location than the "Akros" or acropolis of Erchia, see above on the 21st of Hekatombaion). Little is known about the festival of the Herosouria itself, or what this word might really mean; see Parker p. 68 and 470 for further discussion (for a festival with a compound name of this sort, cp. the Ἡροφάνεια attested at Megara, <bibl type="abbr" n="IG VII">IG VII</bibl> 48 (2nd century BC).</p>
<p>Lines Β32-39 + Γ38-41 + Δ28-33 (Gamelion 27): These rites have been convincingly identified as the celebration of the Theogamia or Hieros Gamos in Athens. At Erchia, this involved sacrifices to Zeus Teleios, to Poseidon, to Kourotrophos, and to Hera herself, all taking place in the sanctuary of this goddess. For the sources, see Salviat, Mikalson (p. 107), and Parker (p. 76 and 474); cp. here <ref target="CGRN_21">CGRN 21</ref>, lines 20-23, and <ref target="CGRN_32">CGRN 32</ref> (Thorikos), line 32.</p>
<p>Lines Γ42-47 (Anthesterion 2): Nothing is known about this sacrifice to Dionysus, taking place at Erchia itself. For the kid "with budding horns" or of an even younger age (προ-πτόρθιον) offered to the god, cf. here esp. <ref target="CGRN_21">CGRN 21</ref>, lines 12-13, and also <ref target="CGRN_26">CGRN 26</ref>, Face A, line 18.</p>
<p>Lines Α37-43 (Anthesterion 23): This is one of the other few cases where a festival is specifically mentioned in the calendar, namely the Diasia (as specified here rather than specific date, uniquely). This was a festival of Zeus Meilichios taking place in Agrai, and the calendar of Erchia confirms the participation of the deme in this wider ritual; for the similar involvement of Thorikos, see <ref target="CGRN_32">CGRN 32</ref>, lines 34-35. The ritual is to be wineless "until the viscera", i.e. until the viscera are being roasted after part of the butchery of the sacrificial animal. In other words, libations could only be performed after the phase of the ritual concerned with the viscera. For the sources and further discussion concerning the Diasia, see Mikalson (p. 117) and Parker (p. 74-77 and 466).</p>
<p>Lines Α44-51 + Δ33-40 (Elaphebolion 16): Sacrifices to Dionysus and Semele, in the sanctuary of Dionysus, are in evidence on this day. Both are apparently to be performed by women, who receive the sacrificial animals in question as ritual agents. For the role of women in Greek cult, see <ref target="CGRN_33">CGRN 33</ref> (Elateia), Commentary; for women’s roles in Dionysiac cult, see here <ref target="CGRN_138">CGRN 138</ref> (Miletos); for rites to Dionysus and Semele, cp. <ref target="CGRN_156">CGRN 156</ref> (Mykonos), lines 22-24. As Mikalson notes (p. 129-130), there may be some form of connection with the City Dionysia, which took place from the 10th of Elaphebolion, perhaps until the 16th.</p>
<p>Lines Β40-44 (Mounychion 4): This is the single attestation to a sacrifice on this day, in honour of the Herakleidai. For a possible connection with monthly rites in honour of Heracles (but also Hermes, Aphrodite, and Eros), see Mikalson, p. 138-139. For the Herakleidai honoured almost contemporaneously in Elaphebolion at Thorikos, see <ref target="CGRN_32">CGRN 32</ref>, lines 36-39, with further discussion; this may thus have been a celebration of the heroes that was widely (albeit flexibly, with respect to the precise date) celebrated in the Attic demes.</p>
<p>Lines Γ48-53 (Mounychion 20): Rites for Leukaspis (a hero of "the white shield", cf. <bibl type="abbr" n="LSJ">LSJ</bibl> s.v.) are otherwise unknown. It is unclear if this sacrifice is to be related to the 19th of Mounychion (the Olympieia?, cf. Mikalson, p. 145-146) or to the following day at Erchia (see below).</p>
<p>Lines Δ41-46 (Mounychion 21): A wineless sacrifice to the Tritopatres (literally, "great-grandfathers") is attested at Erchia on this specific occasion; for these gods, a form of worship devoted to ancestors or heroic deceased, cf. here <ref target="CGRN_13">CGRN 13</ref> (Selinous), Face A, lines 9-16; <ref target="CGRN_20">CGRN 20</ref> (Athens), Face B, lines 8-10; and esp. <ref target="CGRN_56">CGRN 56</ref>, col. II, lines 32 and 53, where sacrifices to these gods in the Marathonian Tetrapolis take place in the month Skirophorion.</p>
<p>Lines Α52-56 + Β45-54 + Γ54-58 + Δ47-52 + Ε47-58 (Thargelion 4): This combination of sacrifices, one of the only two specified in all of the columns of the calendar, no doubt again represents a major event at Erchia. In terms of location, however, the rites are a bit dispersed: Leto is honoured in the Pythion and Apollo Pythios also (the offering in this case is again to be handed over to the Pythaistai, see above on 7-8 Gamelion); Apollo Paion and Zeus are both honoured on the Pagos; the Anakes are honoured at Erchia in an unspecified location; finally, Hermes is the recipient of an unusually detailed sacrifice of a ram on the agora at Erchia. In this case, it is explicitly said that the herald is to officiate and to obtain portions "just like the demarch". Given this diversity, it remains difficult to evaluate the character of this festival at Erchia. For Hermes on the 4th day of the month, see Mikalson (p. 26-18 and 152).</p>
<p>Lines Ε59-64 (Thargelion 16): A lamb, probably male if we accept the restoration of the male adjective (νηφάλιος), was to be conveyed to Mount Hymettus in order to be sacrificed to Zeus Epakrios on this day. For the cult of Zeus on Mount Hymettus, see Langdon (with Hsch. and <title>EM</title> s.v. Epakrios, among other).</p>
<p>Lines Δ52-55 (Thargelion 19): Remarkably, this entry attests to the worship of a figure called Menedeios on this day. The occasion is known to have been that of the Bendideia in Athens (for the sources, see Mikalson, p. 158; Parker, p. 463). According to the brilliant hypothesis of Jameson, the two celebrations are clearly to be related: as he writes (p. 158-159), "the name of the Thracian goddess and its derivatives were sometimes spelt with an initial M [...] an epithet derived from the goddess’s name, applied to a male associate, would be Βενδίδειος or Μενδίδειος. But Mene- and not Mendi- is a common first element in Greek names [...] it is possible that Menedeios here is the Hellenized version of the male <foreign>paredros</foreign> of the Thracian goddess—Bendis/Mendis: Mendideios > Menedeios". What exactly was the role of the apparent hero Menedeios in the context of this festival and its celebration at Erchia itself remains to be clarified. For the cult of the Thracian goddess Bendis in Athens, see also here <ref target="CGRN_44">CGRN 44</ref>.</p>
<p>Lines Α57-65 + Β55-59 + Γ59-64 + Δ56-60 (Skirophorion 3): Jameson convincingly associates these sacrifices with those of the Arrhephoria in Athens. Indeed, the calendar of Erchia presents us with a sacrifice to Athena Polias in the city (preceded by an offering to Kourotrophos), together with sacrifices to Poseidon, Zeus Polieus and Aglauros in the same location. As Mikalson (p. 166-167) notes, discussing the sources, this convergence "suggests strongly" that the state festival then took place on the same date; on the Arrhephoria, see also Parker (p. 68 n. 69, p. 221-222 and 461) and cf. the probably parallel passage from the state calendar, <ref target="CGRN 45">CGRN 45</ref>, Face A, fr. 3, col. 1, lines 19-28. For the female sheep "instead of an ox" (or, more probably, a cow) offered to Athena Polias, note already the term present in S. fr. 405 (Meleager): ἀντίβοιον, which is glossed by Hsch. s.v. as ἰσόβοιον. The offering was meant as a substitute, not of equal value, but of equal significance as a bovine.</p>
<p>Lines Γ65-66 (Skirophorion 16): The sacrifice on this date is missing and cannot be restored. Mikalson (p. 172) provides ample evidence for political meetings in Athens on this date, probably precluding a major civic festival. It is therefore likely that the event was a local one.</p>
<p>Lines Ε65-66 (Skirophorion [?]): The date here is missing, but it is probable that the occasion was related to the rites attested on the 3rd or the 16th of Skirophorion, which are described in the other columns. Indeed, Dow went as far as to suggest restoring it as [τρίτει] | [ἱσταμένο], a date upon which Jameson would reconstruct a sacrifice to [Pandrosos], sister of Aglauros and jointly honoured in cult—Aglauros herself received an offering on the 3rd of Skirophorion (cf. above), presumably during the Arrhephoria.</p>