4 occurences of Lykeios in 4 files.
Fragments of the civic sacrificial calendar of Athens
Date:- Face A: 403/2-400/399 BC
- Face B: ca. 410-404 BC
Face A, Fragment 6
[.]ΔΔ ἀπόμετρα
Ἑρμῆι ἐλ Λυκείο
5[..]𐅂[.] οἶς -
Sacrificial calendar of the deme of Erchia in Attica
Date:- ca. 375-350 BC
Column Α
v νος δωδεκάτε-
v ι, Ἀπόλλωνι v Λ-
v υκείωι, ἐν ἄστ- -
Two excerpts from the dossier of regulations of the Labyadai at Delphi
Date:- ca. 400-350 BC
Face D
αίαν δάρματα καὶ τὰ τῶι
Λυκείωι δάρματα καὶ τὰ-
ν ἀγαίαν μόσχον· πάντων -
CGRN 234
Decrees regulating the protection of the Heraion at Arkesine on Amorgos
Date:- 5th century BC and 4th century BC
Decree A
[ἐν] τῶι Ἡρα[ίωι πρὸ]ς το̑ καινο̑ οἶκο τῆς γω⟨ν⟩-
ίας καὶ το̑ νε[ὼ καὶ πρ]ὸς το̑ Λυκείο· ἐὰν δέ [τι]-
5ς καί[η]ι, ἀποτι[νέτω δέκ]α δρα[χ]μὰς [ἱερὰς]