2 occurences of Ktesios in 2 files.
CGRN 227
Decree and oracle concerning the sanctuary of Aphrodite at Anaphe
Date:- 2nd century BC
v Εὐδώρειον οἶκον καὶ τὸν Μειδίλειον· τὸν δὲ τόπον,
[ὁ]πεῖ ὁ βωμὸς τοῦ Κτησίου καὶ τὸ ξοάνιον, τὸν τοῖχον
15λύσαντα τὰν πάροδον ποιῆσαι ἐς τὸν ναὸν -
CGRN 250
Oracular response from the sanctuary of Dodona
Date:- ca. 400-350 BC
[..?.. περὶ τῶ]ν χρεῶν ἀν⟨ε̑⟩λε Δὶ Κτησίωι αἶ[γα ..?..]
vacat τῶι Διὶ τῶι Πατρ[ώιωι ..?..]