2 occurences of Dionysos in 2 files.
CGRN 240
Dossier containing Delphic oracles concerning the Archilocheion of Paros
Date:- ca. 250 BC
ἐν τῶι τεμένει ὃ κατασκευάζει, ἱδρυσαμένωι
10βωμὸν καὶ θύοντι ἐπὶ τούτου Διονύσωι καὶ Νύμφαις
καὶ Ὥραις· θύειν δὲ καὶ καλλιερεῖν Ἀπόλλωνι -
CGRN 250
Oracular response from the sanctuary of Dodona
Date:- ca. 400-350 BC
vacat τῶι Διὶ τῶι Πατρ[ώιωι ..?..]
vacat τῶι Διονύσωι ἀπ[αρχάν (?) ..?..]
vacat τῶι ΛΕ[..?..]