5 occurences of Ἡραῖος in 5 files.
Fragmentary sacrificial calendar, perhaps of a genos from Athens
Date:- ca. 475-450 BC
20hέροι ∶ παραγνε[..?.. Δ]-
ιὶ ∶ hεραίοι ∶ χοῖ[ρος ..?..]-
ει ∶ ἀρὲν ∶ κριτὸ[ς ..?.. τ]- -
Treaty between Knossos and Tylissos containing sacrificial regulations
Date:- ca. 450 BC
Fragment A
15ι Ποσειδᾶνι το̑ι ἐν Ἰυτο̑ι τὸν Κνοσίο[ν ἰαρέα θύ]-
εν· τᾶι hέραι ἐν Ἑραίοι θύεν βο̑ν θέλει[αν ἀμφοτ]-
έρον[ς κ]οινᾶι, θύεν δὲ πρὸ Ϝακινθ[ίον ....8....] -
Two decrees concerning the priesthood of Ilithyia at Chios
Date:- ca. 400 BC
Decree B
άψαι πρὸς τὴ[ν] στήλην [παρὰ τῶι]
[Ἡ]ραίωι· ἐπιμεληθῆναι [δὲ το]ὺ[ς]
[ἱε]ροποιοὺς ΑΝΤΙ[.]Ν[....8....] -
CGRN 168
Decree proposing cultic honours for (x) son of Drakon at Keramos
Date:- ca. 200-100 BC
[αὐτὸν δημοσία]ι· θύεσθαι δὲ αὐτῶι κατ’ ἐνιαυτὸν ἕκαστον
15[ὑπὸ τῶν ἱερομ]νημόνων ἐν μηνὶ Ἡραίωι τῆι δωδεκάτηι τοῖς
[γενεθλίοις αὐ]τοῦ κριὸν ἐπὶ βωμοῦ τοῦ ἀποδειχθέν- -
CGRN 234
Decrees regulating the protection of the Heraion at Arkesine on Amorgos
Date:- 5th century BC and 4th century BC
Decree A
σίλεως [εῖπεν]· πῦρ μηδένα καίεν
[ἐν] τῶι Ἡρα[ίωι πρὸ]ς το̑ καινο̑ οἶκο τῆς γω⟨ν⟩-
ίας καὶ το̑ νε[ὼ καὶ πρ]ὸς το̑ Λυκείο· ἐὰν δέ [τι]-