2 occurences of ἐναταῖος in 2 files.
CGRN 155
Purity regulation of the cult of Egyptian gods at Megalopolis
Date:- ca. 200 BC
5 θύειν καθαρίζοντα ἀπὸ μὲν
λέχ[ο]υς ἐναταίαν, ἀπὸ δὲ δι-
αφθέρματος v τεσσαράκοντα -
CGRN 217
Small purity regulation from Delos
Date:- end of 2nd century BC
ἀπὸ διαφθορᾶς τετταρα-
κοσταίους· ἀπὸ γυναικεί-
ων ἐναταίους.