4 occurences of σύνειμι in 4 files.
CGRN 119
Contract of sale for the priesthood of Nemean Zeus at Theangela (near Halikarnassos)
Date:- ca. 250-200 BC
μοσίαι θυομένων καὶ τὰ παρατιθέ-
μενα τῶι θεῶι· καὶ συνέσται τῆι ἑο-
ρτῆι μετὰ τῶν πρυτάνεων ἰσόμ- -
CGRN 150
Decree of Mylasa proposing cultic honours for the dynast Olympichos
Date:- ca. 240-200 BC
20[δων· εἶναι δὲ ἐκεχει]ρίας πᾶσιν ἐφ’ ἡμέρας τρεῖς· vv
[τοὺς δὲ πολίτας (?) καὶ] τοὺς ἄλλους πάντας συνεῖ-
[ναι (ἐ)στεφανωμένους ἐν τα]ῖς ἡμέραις ταύταις, ὑμνεῖσθαι -
CGRN 174
Dedication and small sacrificial regulation from Delos
Date:- 2nd century BC
φῶν καὶ συνγε[ν]-
ῶν καὶ τῶν συ[ν]-
10όντων πολι[τῶν], -
CGRN 187
Law and contract of sale for the priesthood of Sarapis at Magnesia-on-the-Maiander
Date:- beginning of the 2nd century BC
[...6...]ενος καὶ τῆς [ἡ]μέρας τὸ δ[..?..]
[....8....]ων συνόντων ἐν τῶι [..?..]
30 [......11.....]ΑΝΩΝ ΠΑ[..?..]